One of the best art cinemas in the centre of Prague. You can get drinks at the bar and take them to the screening halls. Follow the program not to miss special screenings and filmfestivals.
One of the best cinemas in Prague. Small, great atmosphere, the lack of annoying advertisements, and you can bring a beer or some food inside! Nothing like multi cinemas, popcorn free culture rules!
One of the coolest indie-cinemas in Prague, whose main advantage is the central location and a bar downstairs. Drinks could be brought inside the cinema, but lines to women bathrooms are unbearable!
Využijte v neděli 9. 11. jedinečnou příležitost zažít promítání snímku V jeho očích pro nevidomé. Vezměte si u vstupu pásku na oči a vnímejte celý film jen prostřednictvím české transkripce. Read more
Nymfomanka - zapomeňte na kampaň a trailery a podejte se tomuhle vzrušujicimu, vtipnému, napínavému, ale místy i fádnímu filmu, ale filmařsky zdařilému kusu. Jsem zvědav jak se povedla druhá část.
I welcome all followers. If you like Spanish film, you may visit La Película, the festival of Spanish films, which will take place in Světozor between February 15 and 20. Read more
Reservations at +420 608 33 00 88 * Two screening halls * Bar * WiFi * Digital projection in 4K * Documentary Monday * Beer Světozor * Home of Kinoautomat