KRISTIN GOLDEN IMAGE CONSULTING - Check in to Kristin Golden Image Consulting whenever you check out social media, blog, or stop by the office! Help us grow!
Accessories are one of the best ways to add style to your outfit without having to spend a ton of money. Here are six places where you can find great "fashion jewelry" that won't break the bank!
As a stylist, my goal is to bring you the latest trends, fashion news, style tips and of course, the best places to shop. Spring is the perfect time to check out some boutiques!
"Check in every time you check out our social media -, and others. Contests coming soon for those who check in!"
"I've mentioned this store before - but I can't vouch enough for their fabulous selection of jewelry. If you can't find something you love, they'll make it!"
"This is a great "off the map" place for fun jewelry and other fun items. While you can find great jewelry for cheap, I can't ever walk away without spending $100 (they have so much great stuff!!!)."