Best of Kyoto
Cafe Bibliotic Hello! is one of Best of Kyoto.

1. Cafe Bibliotic Hello!

中京区晴明町650 (二条柳馬場東入ル晴明町650), 京都市, 京都府
Café · 90 tips and reviews

Kevin M.Kevin Marlow: Great breakfast, plus the wifi speeds are high, making this place a go-to for coffeeshop work-life.

cafe marble 仏光寺店 is one of Best of Kyoto.

2. cafe marble 仏光寺店

下京区西前町378 (仏光寺通高倉東入ル), 京都市, 京都府
Café · 12 tips and reviews

Kevin M.Kevin Marlow: Another go-to breakfast spot for me. English menus, good coffee, and savory food.

INDÉPENDANTS is one of Best of Kyoto.


中京区弁慶石町56 (三条通御幸町東入ル 1928ビル B1F), 京都市, 京都府
Café · 28 tips and reviews
Sushi no Musashi is one of Best of Kyoto.

4. Sushi no Musashi

(寿しのむさし 三条本店)
中京区恵比須町440 (河原町通三条上る), 京都市, 京都府
Sushi Restaurant · 89 tips and reviews

Kevin M.Kevin Marlow: Conveyor-belt sushi, truly one of my favorite things about Japan. This restaurant is in the heart of the shopping districts, but is still a perfect dinner choice for locals and tourists alike.

Ippudo is one of Best of Kyoto.

5. Ippudo

中京区阪東屋町653-1 (東洞院錦小路東入ル 錦ビル 1F), 京都市, 京都府
Ramen Restaurant · 84 tips and reviews

Kevin M.Kevin Marlow: A very popular ramen restaurant in Kyoto. There usually is a line, but it is worth the fairly short wait.

Honke Owariya is one of Best of Kyoto.

6. Honke Owariya

(本家 尾張屋 本店)
中京区仁王門突抜町322 (車屋町通二条下る), 京都市, 京都府
Soba Restaurant · 88 tips and reviews
L'Escamoteur is one of Best of Kyoto.

7. L'Escamoteur

下京区斎藤町138-9 (西石垣通四条下ル), 京都市, 京都府
Cocktail Bar · 37 tips and reviews

Kevin M.Kevin Marlow: While slightly difficult to find, this second floor French-influenced bar is a cozy place to enjoy some of the best cocktails of Kyoto.

bar&salon SAMGHA is one of Best of Kyoto.

8. bar&salon SAMGHA

中京区山田町526 (油小路錦上ル), 京都市, 京都府
Bar · 5 tips and reviews
BAR GEAR is one of Best of Kyoto.


Bar · 4 tips and reviews
Beer House CRAFT MAN is one of Best of Kyoto.

10. Beer House CRAFT MAN

下京区二帖半敷町643-1 (烏丸通綾小路下ル), 京都市, 京都府
Beer Bar · 9 tips and reviews
Nishiki Market is one of Best of Kyoto.

11. Nishiki Market

中京区西大文字町609 (富小路通四条上ル), 京都市, 京都府
Market · 中京区 · 168 tips and reviews

Kevin M.Kevin Marlow: This market runs the length of several blocks and is filled with a variety of shops. Worth the stroll through for those looking for somewhere to wander.

Niti is one of Best of Kyoto.

12. Niti

(祇園 日)
東山区祇園町南側570-8, 京都市, 京都府
Wagashi Place · 18 tips and reviews
Yasaka Shrine is one of Best of Kyoto.

13. Yasaka Shrine

東山区祇園町北側625, 京都市, 京都府
Shrine · 東山区 · 67 tips and reviews
Nijo-jo Castle is one of Best of Kyoto.

14. Nijo-jo Castle

中京区二条城町541 (二条通堀川西入), 京都市, 京都府
Historic and Protected Site · 129 tips and reviews
Kinkaku-ji Temple is one of Best of Kyoto.

15. Kinkaku-ji Temple

(鹿苑寺 (金閣寺))
北区金閣寺町1, 京都市, 京都府
Buddhist Temple · 209 tips and reviews
Fushimi Inari Taisha is one of Best of Kyoto.

16. Fushimi Inari Taisha

伏見区深草藪之内町68, 京都市, 京都府
Shrine · 363 tips and reviews

Kevin M.Kevin Marlow: Potentially the number one place for all of my friend's photos of Kyoto. This shrine is a must for anyone visiting Kyoto.

Arashiyama Bamboo Grove is one of Best of Kyoto.

17. Arashiyama Bamboo Grove

右京区嵯峨小倉山田淵山町, 京都市, 京都府
Hiking Trail · 215 tips and reviews

Kevin M.Kevin Marlow: Beautiful bamboo forest in the Arashiyama district of Kyoto. The entire area is beautiful and worth a visit. Take the JR to Saga-Arashiyama Station, then walk a short 5-10 minutes over.