"Beer windows get lined up something fierce before the game; there' a kiosk on the 3rd base side (past the bathrooms and the ATMS) that almost *never* does. Oh, and beer sales stop after the 7th inning"
· Vancouver, Canada
8.4"News you can use: The Market itself is shut on Mondays. Donald's is open, along with the Paddlewheeler and Wild Rice, but that's it."
· New Westminster, Canada
8.7"Parking is atrocious. Residents are quick to rat out errant parkers to the local towing service. Consider yourself warned!"
Home (private)
· New Westminster, Canada
"Parking is atrocious - four guest spots outside, and three inside - and residents are more than willing to call tow trucks for errant parkers."
Home (private)
· New Westminster, Canada
"If you go often enough, and they get to know your name, you may not find a charge for coffee on your bill!"
· New Westminster, Canada