ToDo - Berlin Edition
Spoonful Berlin is one of ToDo - Berlin Edition.

1. Spoonful Berlin

Graefestr. 7, Berlin, Berlin
Ice Cream Parlor · Graefekiez · 42 tips and reviews

JulianeJuliane: The chocolate brownie tarte is to die for!

Bellman Bar is one of ToDo - Berlin Edition.

2. Bellman Bar

Reichenberger Str. 103 (Glogauer Str.), Berlin, Berlin
Cocktail Bar · Kreuzberg · 40 tips and reviews

Alper Ç.Alper Çuğun: Bar with the best ambiance in the area. Great music, drinks and personnel.

I Due Forni is one of ToDo - Berlin Edition.

3. I Due Forni

Schönhauser Allee 12 (Saarbrücker Str.), Berlin, Berlin
Italian Restaurant · Kollwitzkiez · 303 tips and reviews

DerBenniDerBenni: Immer eine Gratwanderung zwischen katastrophalem Service und sehr guter Pizza...

Kaufhaus des Westens (KaDeWe) is one of ToDo - Berlin Edition.

4. Kaufhaus des Westens (KaDeWe)

Tauentzienstr. 21-24 (Wittenbergplatz), Berlin, Berlin
Department Store · Schöneberg · 428 tips and reviews

Best Western Central EuropeBest Western Central Europe: A MUST do for all shopoholics! If you don´t have much time, at least go see the delicacies department on the top floor!

St. Oberholz is one of ToDo - Berlin Edition.

5. St. Oberholz

Rosenthaler Str. 72, Berlin, Berlin
Café · Mitte · 467 tips and reviews

Kevin G.Kevin Grahl: Noch Arbeit zu erledigen aber keine Lust zu Hause rumzuhocken? Dann ab in's St. Oberholz, Laptop raus und los geht's. Versuch dazu am besten den Käsekuchen!

Klunkerkranich is one of ToDo - Berlin Edition.

6. Klunkerkranich

Karl-Marx-Str. 66, Berlin, Berlin
Beer Garden · Karl-Marx-Straße · 331 tips and reviews

Christian W.Christian Wohlrabe: One of these places, how they only exist in Berlin. It's not a beergarden, it's not a club. It's a happening.

14 oz. is one of ToDo - Berlin Edition.

7. 14 oz.

Neue Schönhauser Str. 13, Berlin, Berlin
Boutique · Mitte · 10 tips and reviews

Dirk W.Dirk Wahle: This is real selection! Authentic timeless brands in a wonderful builing. And a great Garden too...

Lesen und lesen lassen is one of ToDo - Berlin Edition.

8. Lesen und lesen lassen

Wühlischstr. 30, Berlin, Berlin
Bookstore · Boxhagener Kiez · 5 tips and reviews

Emma W.Emma Wijninga: Cutest little bookstore you have ever seen! Amazingly well sorted, nice English section. You can find some nice presents here. Though it's a small shop, I could spend hours in here!

Makoto is one of ToDo - Berlin Edition.

9. Makoto

Alte Schönhauser Str. 13 (Mulackstr.), Berlin, Berlin
Ramen Restaurant · Mitte · 125 tips and reviews