CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea
Seongsan Ilchulbong is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

1. Seongsan Ilchulbong

성산읍 일출로 284-12, 서귀포시, 제주특별자치도
Mountain · 121 tips and reviews

Pino B.Pino Bonetti: Impressive extinct crater in the middle of nowhere. Stunning!

Darangee Village is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

2. Darangee Village

남해군, 경상남도
Neighborhood · 12 tips and reviews
Gyeonghwa Stn. is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

3. Gyeonghwa Stn.

진해구 진해대로 649, 창원시, 경상남도
Rail Station · 8 tips and reviews
Upo Marsh is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

4. Upo Marsh

유어면 우포늪길 220, 창녕, 경상남도
Lake · 대대리 · 14 tips and reviews
Jeungdo Salt Farm is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

5. Jeungdo Salt Farm

(신안 증도 태평염전)
증도면 증동리 1931, Sinan, 전라남도
Beach · No tips or reviews
Seopjikoji is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

6. Seopjikoji

성산읍 섭지코지로 107, 서귀포시, 제주특별자치도
Waterfront · 30 tips and reviews
Bomun Pavilion is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

7. Bomun Pavilion

신평동, 경주시, 경상북도
Other Great Outdoors · No tips or reviews
Udo is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

8. Udo

우도면 연평리, 제주시, 제주특별자치도
Island · 27 tips and reviews
해인사 (海印寺) is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

9. 해인사 (海印寺)

가야면 해인사길 122, 합천군, 경상남도
Buddhist Temple · 14 tips and reviews
천왕봉 (Chunwang Peak/天王峰) is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

10. 천왕봉 (Chunwang Peak/天王峰)

시천면 중산리, 산청군, 경상남도
Mountain · 4 tips and reviews
Juknokwon is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

11. Juknokwon

담양읍 죽녹원로 119, 담양군, 전라남도
Park · 56 tips and reviews
Naganeupseong Folk Village is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

12. Naganeupseong Folk Village

낙안면 충민길 30, 순천시, 전라남도
Historic and Protected Site · 동내리 · 22 tips and reviews
Yeojwacheon is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

13. Yeojwacheon

진해구 여좌천로, 창원시, 경상남도
River · 9 tips and reviews
Boseong Dawon Green Tea Field is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

14. Boseong Dawon Green Tea Field

(대한다원 보성녹차밭)
보성읍 녹차로 763-67, 보성군, 전라남도
Farm · 49 tips and reviews
Bulguksa is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

15. Bulguksa

불국로 385, 경주시, 경상북도
Temple · 진현동 · 56 tips and reviews
Daegwallyeong Sheep Ranch is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

16. Daegwallyeong Sheep Ranch

대관령면 대관령마루길 483-32, 평창군, 강원특별자치도
Farm · 43 tips and reviews
청도소싸움경기장 is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

17. 청도소싸움경기장

화양읍 남성현로 348, 청도군, 경상북도
Stadium · 7 tips and reviews

Kate K.Kate K: CNN 한국관광명소 50선에 선정된 <청도소싸움>. "Cheongdo Bull Fighting Festival is the biggest bull fighting festival in Korea...there are art contests, cow-play exorcisms, rodeo experience, and even magic shows."

Hyeopjae Beach is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

18. Hyeopjae Beach

한림읍 한림로 329-10, 제주시, 제주특별자치도
Beach · 54 tips and reviews
Donggung Palace and Wolji Pond in Gyeongju is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

19. Donggung Palace and Wolji Pond in Gyeongju

(경주 동궁과 월지)
원화로 102, 경주시, 경상북도
Historic and Protected Site · 68 tips and reviews
세량제 (Seryang-Je/細良堤) is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

20. 세량제 (Seryang-Je/細良堤)

화순읍 세량리, 화순군, 전라남도
Lake · 1 tip
Kwanghan Pavilion is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

21. Kwanghan Pavilion

천거1길 21, 남원시, 전라북도
Historic and Protected Site · 12 tips and reviews
Seomjin River Train Village is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

22. Seomjin River Train Village

(섬진강 기차마을)
오곡면 기차마을로 232, 곡성군, 전라남도
Amusement Park · 9 tips and reviews
Cheongsando is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

23. Cheongsando

청산면, 완도군, 전라남도
Island · 9 tips and reviews
Hallasan is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

24. Hallasan

1100로 2070-61, 제주시, 제주특별자치도
National Park · 18 tips and reviews
Terraced Fields is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

25. Terraced Fields

(함양 다락논)
마천면, 함양군, 경상남도
Field · No tips or reviews
Nuri Peace Park is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

26. Nuri Peace Park

문산읍 임진각로 148-53, 파주시, 경기도
Park · 19 tips and reviews
Silk Fall is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

27. Silk Fall

산내면 (지리산 뱀사골), 남원시, 전라남도
Other Great Outdoors · No tips or reviews
Youngsan River is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

28. Youngsan River

(영산강 생태공원)
담양읍, 담양군, 전라남도
River · No tips or reviews
Silleuksa is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

29. Silleuksa

신륵사길 73, 여주시, 경기도
Temple · 천송동 · 4 tips and reviews
Mt.Daedun Suspension Bridge is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

30. Mt.Daedun Suspension Bridge

(대둔산 금강구름다리)
운주면 산북리, 완주, 전라북도
Bridge · 3 tips and reviews
Haeundae Beach is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

31. Haeundae Beach

해운대구 해운대해변로 264, 부산광역시, 부산광역시
Beach · 우동 · 127 tips and reviews
Yongnam Temple is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

32. Yongnam Temple

옥천읍 삼청리 산 51-1, Okcheon, 충청북도
Temple · No tips or reviews
Nami Island is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

33. Nami Island

남산면 남이섬길 1, 춘천시, 강원특별자치도
Island · 179 tips and reviews
Suncheonman Wetland is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

34. Suncheonman Wetland

순천만길 513-25, 순천시, 전라남도
Park · 53 tips and reviews
Ulsan Rock is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

35. Ulsan Rock

설악산로 1091, 속초시, 강원도
Mountain · 12 tips and reviews
Dongbuk Gangnu / Banghwasuryujeong is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

36. Dongbuk Gangnu / Banghwasuryujeong

(동북각루 / 방화수류정)
팔달구 매향동 151, 수원시, 경기도
Historic and Protected Site · 6 tips and reviews
Namdae Stream is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

37. Namdae Stream

(무주 남대천)
무주읍 남대천, 무주군, 전라북도
River · No tips or reviews
The Garden of Morning Calm is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

38. The Garden of Morning Calm

상면 수목원로 432, Gapyeong, 경기도
Botanical Garden · 행현리 · 52 tips and reviews
Mt. Simhak is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

39. Mt. Simhak

산남동, 파주시, 경기도
Mountain · 6 tips and reviews

Kate K.Kate K: CNN 한국관광명소 50선에 선정된 <심학산 꽃밭>. "One of the few places where you can see poppies in Korea, the local town hosts a Poppy Festival here every year around June."

황매산 (Hwangmae-san/黃梅山) is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

40. 황매산 (Hwangmae-san/黃梅山)

합천군 대병면, 산청군, 경상남도
Mountain · 6 tips and reviews

Kate K.Kate K: CNN 한국관광명소 50선에 선정된 <황매산 철쭉축제>. The Royal Azalea Festival takes place every year in May for couple weeks.

태백산 is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

41. 태백산

소도동, 태백시, 강원특별자치도
Mountain · 4 tips and reviews

Kate K.Kate K: CNN 한국관광명소 50선에 선정된 <태백산 설경>. "Gangwon province is famous for catastrophically heavy snows in the winter." Winter is the season when Mt.Taebaek truly sparkles. Look for their snow festival as well. :)

Donglim Reservoir is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

42. Donglim Reservoir

흥덕면/성내면, 고창, 전라북도
Lake · 1 tip

Kate K.Kate K: "Every year, more than 200,000 spectacled teals fly about in an orderly manner above this beautiful reservoir, which was voted "Kingdom of migratory birds" in 2004 in a national survey."

Chok-suk Pavilion is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

43. Chok-suk Pavilion

본성동, 진주시, 경상남도
Historic and Protected Site · 4 tips and reviews
Samkwang Temple is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

44. Samkwang Temple

초읍천로43번길 77, 부산광역시, 부산광역시
Temple · 초읍동 · 3 tips and reviews

Kate K.Kate K: CNN 한국관광명소 50선에 선정된 <삼광사 연등축제>. "Every year, around Buddha’s birthday, the biggest Lotus Lantern Festival in Busan is held at Samkwang Temple."

소양호 is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

45. 소양호

남면 남전리 762-2, 인제군, 강원도
Lake · 2 tips and reviews

Kate K.Kate K: CNN 한국관광명소 50선에 선정된 <인제빙어축제>. "The Inje Smelts Festival takes place on Soyang lake every winter and offers families and couples (and the occasional single visitor) some major fun on ice."

Gwangan Bridge is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

46. Gwangan Bridge

수영구 광안대로, 부산광역시
Bridge · 31 tips and reviews

Kate K.Kate K: 대한민국 최대 해상 복층 교량! :) "Also known as the Diamond Bridge connects Suyeong-gu and Haeundae-gu; its state-of-the-art lighting system allows an exterior lighting of over 100,000 colors."

양동민속마을 is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

47. 양동민속마을

경주시, 경상북도
Village · 16 tips and reviews

Kate K.Kate K: "One of the most recent additions to the UNESCO world heritage list. The village remains the same as it was during the Chosun Dynasty." Lodging at the Hanok (traditional house) is available as well :)

Ggotji Beach is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

48. Ggotji Beach

안면읍 꽃지해안로 400, 태안군, 충청남도
Beach · 승언리 · 16 tips and reviews

Kate K.Kate K: "꽃지"는 주변에 지천으로 해당화가 피어있어 붙여진 이름이라고 전해지고 있습니다. 꽃지해수욕장은 이런 이름에 걸맞게 2002년, 2009년 개최된 안면도국제꽃박람회의 주 전시장이기도하며, 2015년까지는 '꽃 테마파크' 로 활용될 예정이라고 합니다 :)

Ulleung-do is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

49. Ulleung-do

울릉읍 도동2길 66, 울릉군, 경상북도
Island · 3 tips and reviews

Kate K.Kate K: CNN 한국관광명소 50선에 선정된 <울릉도해안도로:Uleung Island Seaside Road>. The coastal trail starting from Dodong Port (도동항) to Candlestick Rock (촛대바위) has the most beautiful scenery! :)

Seorak-san Shinsundae is one of CNN's 50 Beautiful Places to Visit in Korea.

50. Seorak-san Shinsundae

(설악산 신선대)
설악동, 속초시, 강원도
Other Great Outdoors · 3 tips and reviews

Kate K.Kate K: CNN 한국관광명소 50선에 선정된 <설악산 공룡능선>. The ridge is named "Gongryong (meaning dinosaur)" for its shape that looks like the spine of a dinosaur. It offers spectacular views of inner and outer Seorak.