Created by Karen Bigos Updated On: January 11, 2014
From wine to pet food, to jewelry, shoes & clothing - these folks will take good care of you. Its not always about the best price, I appreciate good people, quality products. & service.
Karen Bigos: If you live in the area, you can call in an order 973-376-3744 and they will deliver food or supplies for Free! Usually after 6pm when he closes the store.
Karen Bigos: Jose will deliver wine to you at any restaurant in town if you forgot to stop into a liquor store! Just call 973-467-4100. He makes great recommendations and has many wine tastings available.
Karen Bigos: Free wifi and happy to assist clients who need to scan, fax or copy documents. Feel free to contact us at for weekly, monthly or annual market updates.
Karen Bigos: Don't just walk in expected to get help with anything other than a purchase. You have to go online to make a genius bar appointment for any tech assistance or repairs. ALWAYS buy apple care warranty!
Karen Bigos: The Hausman family has been selling shoes for decades. The more you buy, the more you save. Great sales 2x a year & if they don't have your size, they may be able to call the other store and get it!
Karen Bigos: Not just a pharmacy. They have tons of cards, toys and gifts. Many educational games and great stuff for the kids when you are taking a LONG drive.
Girls Night Out Spring 2012: ETC @ Suburban Paint is planning an in store raffle of Gorgeous Coffee Table books from Clarence House. Enjoy the newest offering from Stella and Dot jewelry and accessories. Wine and snacks.