Juston Payne: "Chicago, in fashion, the soft drinks, expansion Oh Columbia! From Paris, incentive, like Cream of Wheat invented, The Ferris Wheel!" - Sufjan Stevens.
6401 S Stony Island Ave (btwn 56th St & 67th St), Chicago, IL
Park · 19 tips and reviews
Juston Payne: "Chicago, in fashion, the soft drinks, expansion Oh Columbia! From Paris, incentive, like Cream of Wheat invented, The Ferris Wheel!" - Sufjan Stevens
Juston Payne: Join Sufjan Stevens and myself in giving one more Whoo-hoo for The Pullman strikers, who started a nationwide conflict between labor unions and railroads in 1894.
Juston Payne: Sufjan Stevens played a string part again because he was concerned you couldn't hear it all the way out in Bushnell. He's a considerate guy, that Sufjan.
233 S Wacker Dr (btwn W Adams St & W Jackson Blvd), Chicago, IL
Structure · The Loop · 308 tips and reviews
Juston Payne: Sufjan Stevens wrote, "In the tower above the earth, There is a view that reaches far, Where we see the universe." He also spelled "Sears" as "Seer's," but who's keeping score?