Jura Malt Whisky: Stuart MacBride: A quick stagger from Grampian Police Headquarters and a popular drinking hole for off-duty police officers. Archie’s has featured in every single one of the Logan McRae books
Police Station · City Centre East · 2 tips and reviews
Jura Malt Whisky: Stuart MacBride: Grampian Police Force Headquarters is home to a force that has a huge responsibility – not just most of the north east of Scotland, but also all the oil rigs in the North Sea too
Jura Malt Whisky: Stuart MacBride: Cold Granite - DS Logan McRae gets blootered, while still taking painkillers followed by nudity and a female police constable making bacon butties in a T-shirt and pants
Structure · Tillydrone - Seaton - Old Aberdeen · 1 tip
Jura Malt Whisky: Stuart MacBride: In Blind Eye Powis Circle hosts a particularly nasty beating involving a low-market brothel and a very nasty drug dealer
Jura Malt Whisky: Stuart MacBride: Flesh House kicks off when an offshore container breaks down on Trinity Quay. When the contents start defrosting, and it turns out to be human flesh, things go downhill from there
Jura Malt Whisky: Stuart MacBride: Shore Lane is the bargain basement of Aberdeen’s red light district. Dying Light opens with a prostitute’s battered naked body being discovered lying on the dirty cobblestones
Jura Malt Whisky: Stuart MacBride: Logan lives on Marischal Street – a steep road connecting the easternmost end of Union Street and the harbour. The Council haven’t put up a blue plaque yet, but there’s always hope
Jura Malt Whisky: Stuart MacBride: Symbolic heart of Aberdeen. Covered in pug-faced gargoyles and topped with a unicorn it’s across from St Peter’s Church where Logan learns about Polish economic migrants in Blind Eye
High School · City Centre East · 3 tips and reviews
Jura Malt Whisky: Stuart MacBride: RGU’s forensic science course is one of the best in the country. The facility on School Hill is where they mock-up murder scenes for students to practice their SOC skills