LiveRiga: You can take the bridge to get to the modern skyscraper - Saules akmens (Sun Stone) - and then back to the Riga Castle, which is the residence of the current President of Latvia.
Harbor or Marina · Pētersala-Andrejsala · 20 tips and reviews
LiveRiga: Festivals, concerts and other cultural events are regularly held in Andrejsala, which has become a favourite haunt for many of the city's young artists and musicians.
DELFI: 17/11/2000 torni ieņēma divi ar granātu bruņojušies nacionālboļševiki (Krievijas pilsoņi). Izrādijās, ka granāta bija prasts koka gabals. Abus trakuļus arestēja. Pēcāk nopēra pašu tautas tiesneši.