Juciana bizarria

Juciana bizarria


São Paulo
  • 1 Tips
  • 64 Following
  • 3 Lists

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Juciana's Top Cities
São Paulo
1 List Created · 1 Tip
Juciana bizarria
1 places updated October 27, 2014
1 place including Mooca Plaza Shopping
Juciana bizarria
3 places updated
3 places including CrossFit ZN, Mocotó Restaurante & Cachaçaria, Centro Espirita Kardecista Paulo de Tarso
Juciana bizarria
1 places updated
1 place including Mocotó Restaurante & Cachaçaria
Juciana's ListsLists Juciana CreatedLists Juciana Followed
"Gente fui apresentada a esse lugar pela minha amiga Regina, esse dadinho é mesmo maravilhoso uma delicia...hummm"
Juciana bizarriaJuciana bizarria · June 17, 2015
Northeastern Brazilian
· São Paulo, Brasil