Eiffel Tower is one of Paris.

1. Eiffel Tower

(Tour Eiffel)
5 avenue Anatole France, Paris, Île-de-France
Monument · Tour Eiffel - Parc du Champ-de-Mars · 2700 tips and reviews

Chris M.Chris Marsh: Watch the tower light display for the first ten minutes of every hour after dark.

Arc de Triomphe is one of Paris.

2. Arc de Triomphe

Place Charles de Gaulle (Avenue des Champs-Élysées), Paris, Île-de-France
Monument · Chaillot · 797 tips and reviews

New York HabitatNew York Habitat: The Arc de Triomphe costs just 9 euros to ascend and the view down Champs Élysées is well worth the money. Be prepared as you have to walk to the top but can ride an elevator down.

Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel is one of Paris.

3. Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel

Place du Carrousel, Paris, Île-de-France
Monument · 49 tips and reviews

Ade P.Ade Putri: Great views after you went off musee de louvre!

Luxor Obelisk is one of Paris.

4. Luxor Obelisk

(Obélisque de Louxor)
Place de la Concorde, Paris, Île-de-France
Monument · Champs-Élysées · 57 tips and reviews

Gabi B.Gabi Bulumac: This beautiful gift from Egypt🎁 it's older than the city itself.....the Luxor Obelisk is over 3,000 years old 😱😱😱

Grande Arche de la Défense is one of Paris.

5. Grande Arche de la Défense

Parvis de la Défense, Puteaux, Île-de-France
Monument · Défense · 88 tips and reviews

Massimo F.Massimo Ferrari: If you are in Paris, and it is raining day (very likely situation), go to the Defense: the modern Arch, a huge shopping center, with bistrots, restaurant, cinemas, a lot of people.Open also on sunday.

Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris is one of Paris.

6. Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris

(Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris)
6 parvis Notre-Dame (Place Jean-Paul II), Paris, Île-de-France
Church · Notre-Dame · 980 tips and reviews

iKangarooiKangaroo: Don't be afraid of the line, it moves quickly. Highly recommend going up in the bell towers to see the gargoyles and for one of Paris' best views.

Opéra Garnier is one of Paris.

7. Opéra Garnier

8 rue Scribe (Rue Auber), Paris, Île-de-France
Opera House · 279 tips and reviews

@StratosAthens@StratosAthens: Come early; enjoy the building; visit the exhibits. To attend a concert here is one of the things one must do in life, at least once.

Panthéon is one of Paris.

8. Panthéon

Place du Panthéon, Paris, Île-de-France
Monument · Sorbonne · 157 tips and reviews

JérémyJérémy: First thing to do when you are inside is to register to go to the indoor balcony - 15m high (FREE tour every 20min starting from 10am to 5:20pm). There can be only 20 persons per visit. A must see!

Sacré-Cœur Basilica is one of Paris.

9. Sacré-Cœur Basilica

(Basilique du Sacré-Cœur)
35 rue du Chevalier de la Barre, Paris, Île-de-France
Church · Clignancourt · 631 tips and reviews

lamazonelamazone: Go all the way to the Basilique. Go on, through the park, up the stairs, go go. It is really really worth it. You may thank me when you have caught your breath.

Louvre Museum is one of Paris.

10. Louvre Museum

(Musée du Louvre)
Rue de Rivoli (Place du Carrousel), Paris, Île-de-France
Museum · Saint-Germain-l'Auxerrois · 2290 tips and reviews

Let's GoLet's Go: Plan on spending more than one day at the Louvre if you want to attempt to see everything, Also, there's more than one line for entering the Louvre—the one at the Carrousel is much shorter! Read more.

Louvre Pyramid is one of Paris.

11. Louvre Pyramid

(Pyramide du Louvre)
Cour Napoléon (Musée du Louvre), Paris, Île-de-France
Monument · Louvre · 126 tips and reviews

Rune R.Rune Risom: Free admission to the museum first Sunday of each month.

Opéra Bastille is one of Paris.

12. Opéra Bastille

120 rue de Lyon (Place de la Bastille), Paris, Île-de-France
Opera House · Quinze-Vingts · 48 tips and reviews

New York HabitatNew York Habitat: Go see an opera at this modern opera house! If you don’t want to pay the full price you can get standing room tickets which are considerably cheaper!

Gardens of the Champs-Élysées is one of Paris.

13. Gardens of the Champs-Élysées

(Jardins des Champs-Élysées)
Avenue des Champs-Élysées, Paris, Île-de-France
Garden · Champs-Élysées · 52 tips and reviews

Rodo M.Rodo Maciel: Ohhh Champs Elysee!!! Una de las avenidas mas concurridas en Paris, aun así un lugar muy chido para relajarte junto sus jardines en alguna sombrita, camínalos y come algo, ve el Arco a lo lejos.

14. Canal Saint-Martin

Quai de Valmy (Quai de Jemmapes), Paris, Île-de-France
Canal · Porte Saint-Martin · 143 tips and reviews

Tiphaine d.Tiphaine de Frémont: Great to go out for a walk: art gallerys, shopping, nice coffees & restaurants,... The paris atmosphere !

Place des Vosges is one of Paris.

15. Place des Vosges

Place des Vosges, Paris, Île-de-France
Plaza · Hôtel-de-Ville · 250 tips and reviews

New York HabitatNew York Habitat: This is a beautiful park that has lots of boutiques, restaurants and cafes. The historical structures in this enchanting spot will make you feel like you are in another world!

Luxembourg Garden is one of Paris.

16. Luxembourg Garden

(Jardin du Luxembourg)
Place Edmond Rostand (Rue de Médicis), Paris, Île-de-France
Garden · Odéon · 592 tips and reviews

StyleiteStyleite: Pack a baguette, some wine, a good book, and when you’re done walking, sunbathe in one of the ever-present garden chairs. We’ll see you in a couple hours.

Tuileries Garden is one of Paris.

17. Tuileries Garden

(Jardin des Tuileries)
Rue de Rivoli (Quai des Tuileries), Paris, Île-de-France
Garden · Tuilerie · 431 tips and reviews

Benjamin B.Benjamin Ben: The Tuileries Garden is a public garden located between the Louvre Museum and the Place de la Concorde in the 1st arrondissement of Paris. Created by Catherine de Medicis.

Place du Trocadéro is one of Paris.

18. Place du Trocadéro

Place du Trocadéro et du 11 Novembre, Paris, Île-de-France
Plaza · 291 tips and reviews

Lynea D.Lynea Davenport: The crowd around the Eiffel Tower is always so large, this place gives you full view of the tower, beautiful at night. Amazing view. If you go at night, have a good night-setting on your camera.

Montmartre Funicular is one of Paris.

19. Montmartre Funicular

(Funiculaire de Montmartre)
7 rue Foyatier, Paris, Île-de-France
Cable Car · Clignancourt · 39 tips and reviews
Champ-de-Mars is one of Paris.

20. Champ-de-Mars

Jardin du Champ-de-Mars, Paris, Île-de-France
Garden · Tour Eiffel - Parc du Champ-de-Mars · 173 tips and reviews

dan n.dan nintendo: Eiffel Tower has blinking lights every top of hour so plan on timing. For quick stop for wine/bread/cheese/etc there's Carrefour at Rue Cler. Consider staying near Ecole Militaire for less hawkers.

Jardin du Palais Royal is one of Paris.

21. Jardin du Palais Royal

Palais Royal, Paris, Île-de-France
Garden · Palais-Royal · 99 tips and reviews

S Marks The SpotsS Marks The Spots: This hidden garden close to the Louvre is an oasis of calmness in the heart of Paris. Rich history, elegant arcades, a fountain, works of art, cute boutiques & Cafe Kitsune make it really special! Read more.

Place de la Concorde is one of Paris.

22. Place de la Concorde

Place de la Concorde, Paris, Île-de-France
Plaza · 177 tips and reviews Were you can see the line made by the Obelisk, Champs Élysées, Arc de Triumph, and the Big Wale. So beautiful by night!!!

Grand Palais is one of Paris.

23. Grand Palais

3 avenue du Général Eisenhower (Avenue Winston Churchill), Paris, Île-de-France
Historic and Protected Site · Champs-Élysées · 111 tips and reviews

Frank V.Frank Van den Eynde: Be wise, book your tickets online to avoid long waiting lines!

Alexander III Bridge is one of Paris.

24. Alexander III Bridge

(Pont Alexandre III)
Pont Alexandre III, Paris, Île-de-France
Bridge · Champs-Élysées · 159 tips and reviews

Kate D.Kate Davis: An incredible bridge which is not only decorated amazingly it also has a great view of the Eiffel Tower, be sure to look up at the columns to notice all of the statues and details! Read more.

Madeleine Church is one of Paris.

25. Madeleine Church

(Église de la Madeleine)
Place de la Madeleine, Paris, Île-de-France
Church · Chaussée-d'Antin · 42 tips and reviews Also known as the Le Madeleine, this is a beautiful Roman Catholic church that has Neo-classical architecture. Do not miss the nave with three domes and the sculpture of the Last Judgment.

Place Saint-Michel is one of Paris.

26. Place Saint-Michel

Place Saint-Michel, Paris, Île-de-France
Plaza · 81 tips and reviews

Kate D.Kate Davis: A fantastic square with the tallest fountain in Paris which is worth to stop and admire with great architecture and many statues. Read more.

Mona Lisa | La Gioconda is one of Paris.

27. Mona Lisa | La Gioconda

(Mona Lisa | La Joconde)
Musée du Louvre (Aile Denon, Pavillon Denon, 1er étage, salle 711), Paris, Île-de-France
Exhibit · 81 tips and reviews

Caroline D.Caroline Deng: One of the most overcrowded, overrated exhibits in the Louvre. It's a very small painting, with hundreds of people fighting and pushing to get to the front for a selfie.

Petit Palais is one of Paris.

28. Petit Palais

1 Avenue Dutuit (Avenue Winston Churchill), Paris, Île-de-France
Art Museum · Champs-Élysées · 94 tips and reviews

Carmen H.Carmen Hillebrand: Find some pictures of impressionists in the collection. The entry to the collection is free. And take your time in the garden, taking a bite. Lovely & surprisingly calm for the very centre of Paris.

National Residence of the Invalids is one of Paris.

29. National Residence of the Invalids

(Hôtel National des Invalides)
Esplanade des Invalides, Paris, Île-de-France
Historic and Protected Site · Invalides · 91 tips and reviews

Kate D.Kate Davis: Be sure to take your time to explore the many historical cannons in the courtyards as well as the tomb of Napoleon and the museums! Read more.

Saint-Jacques Tower is one of Paris.

30. Saint-Jacques Tower

(Tour Saint-Jacques)
88 rue de Rivoli, Paris, Île-de-France
Historic and Protected Site · Hôtel-de-Ville · 31 tips and reviews

Flavio C.Flavio Ciffoni: Free-wifi!

Tombeau de Napoléon is one of Paris.

31. Tombeau de Napoléon

Hôtel des Invalides, Paris, Île-de-France
Historic and Protected Site · Invalides · 53 tips and reviews

Alex Z.Alex Zhuravlova: Interesting place for a visit, but not much to see. Occupied by tourists.

Batobus [Musée d'Orsay] is one of Paris.

32. Batobus [Musée d'Orsay]

Quai de Solférino, Paris, Île-de-France
Boat or Ferry · Saint Thomas d'Aquin · 4 tips and reviews

Amani A.Amani Ali: A wonderful place ❤️