"If you take NJT NEC or NJCL local trains past Newark Penn and you miss the train, express trains within 3 minutes generally arrive at Newark first. You can still catch your train there."
Rail Station
· New York, United States
5.6"Use NJ Transit's Departure Vision website to know what track your train is on before getting to Penn. If running late, you might still catch the train even if the track is taken off the monitors."
Rail Station
· New York, United States
5.6"A good, filling, cheap lunch!"
· Garwood, United States
8.0"The best bread around. Reminds me of the old Italian bakeries I used to go to as a kid!"
· Union, United States
"Now there's a cart located on 49th street between 6th - 7th Avenues!"
Food Truck
· New York, United States
7.5"Cash is king! 10 vents lower than the credit price today."
Fuel Station
· Clark, United States