Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida
Universal's Islands of Adventure is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

1. Universal's Islands of Adventure

6000 Universal Blvd, Orlando, FL
Amusement Park · 738 tips and reviews

JoanneJoanne: Stop here and take a picture!

Port Of Entry is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

2. Port Of Entry

Islands of Adventure (at Universal Orlando Resort), Orlando, FL
Attraction · 11 tips and reviews

JoanneJoanne: Welcome to Islands of Adventure!

Confisco Grille & Backwater Bar is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

3. Confisco Grille & Backwater Bar

Port of Entry (at Islands of Adventure), Orlando, FL
American Restaurant · 51 tips and reviews

Kelly C.Kelly Childress: Great food & reasonable prices (for a park). Highly recommend the Veggie Pizza!

Marvel Superhero Island is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

4. Marvel Superhero Island

Islands of Adventure (at Universal Orlando Resort), Orlando, FL
Attraction · 57 tips and reviews

Generation Geek - OrlandoGeneration Geek - Orlando: Immerse yourself in the world of Marvel Comics. Home to two of the world's best thrill rides - The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man and The Incredible Hulk Coaster.

Doctor Doom's Fear Fall is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

5. Doctor Doom's Fear Fall

Marvel Superhero Island (at Islands of Adventure), Orlando, FL
Attraction · 91 tips and reviews

David K.David Khaj: Ride at night to see Orlando all lit up.

The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

6. The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man

Marvel Superhero Island (at Islands of Adventure), Orlando, FL
Attraction · 239 tips and reviews

Marques R.Marques Robinson: Some effects that people do not notice are the collapsing bridge above as Hobgoblin throws a pumpkin at the bridge support, and Jacob's Ladder, to the left of the scene where Electro shocks the scoop.

The Incredible Hulk Coaster is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

7. The Incredible Hulk Coaster

Marvel Superhero Island (at Islands of Adventure), Orlando, FL
Attraction · 336 tips and reviews

Marques R.Marques Robinson: Draws very big crowds so do first in the morning.

Storm Force Accelatron is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

8. Storm Force Accelatron

Marvel Superhero Island (at Islands of Adventure), Orlando, FL
Attraction · 13 tips and reviews

Marques R.Marques Robinson: Its Universal's teacups!

Cafe 4 is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

9. Cafe 4

Marvel Superhero Island (at Universal Studios), Orlando, FL
Pizzeria · 12 tips and reviews

JoanneJoanne: Get a discount with your annual pass!

The Lost Continent is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

10. The Lost Continent

Islands of Adventure (at Universal Orlando Resort), Orlando, FL
Amusement Park · 19 tips and reviews

MeganMegan: Also, make sure and stop by the fountain if you have kids.

Poseidon's Fury is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

11. Poseidon's Fury

The Lost Continent (at Islands of Adventure), Orlando, FL
Attraction · 95 tips and reviews

Northern P.Northern Penguin: Great use of water and fire effects. Great fun if you are looking for something with a more theatrical appeal

The Eighth Voyage Of Sindbad Stunt Show is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

12. The Eighth Voyage Of Sindbad Stunt Show

The Lost Continent (at Islands of Adventure), Orlando, FL
Attraction · 39 tips and reviews

Floriana G.Floriana Guardini: Sit on the left if you want to be close to the fire, on the right if you want to be in the splash zone!

Seuss Landing is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

13. Seuss Landing

Islands of Adventure (at Universal Orlando Resort), Orlando, FL
Attraction · 50 tips and reviews
Oh! What Stories You'll Hear is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

14. Oh! What Stories You'll Hear

Suess Landing (at Islands of Adventure), Orlando, FL
Amusement Park · 3 tips and reviews

JoanneJoanne: Nice for the little ones!

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

15. One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

Seuss Landing (at Islands of Adventure), Orlando, FL
Attraction · 10 tips and reviews

Carl A.Carl A: Stay high to avoid the spray. Read more.

The High-In-The-Sky Seuss Trolley Train Ride is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

16. The High-In-The-Sky Seuss Trolley Train Ride

Seuss Landing (at Islands of Adventure), Orlando, FL
Attraction · 48 tips and reviews

Amanda B.Amanda Buskill: Put small kids in the right side of the trolley....there's more to see :)

Caro-Seuss-El is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

17. Caro-Seuss-El

Seuss Landing (at Islands of Adventure), Orlando, FL
Attraction · 7 tips and reviews
The Cat in the Hat is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

18. The Cat in the Hat

Seuss Landing (at Islands of Adventure), Orlando, FL
Attraction · 45 tips and reviews

Juan L.Juan Libreros: Its a wonderful ride for the whole family!

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

19. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade

Islands of Adventure (at Universal Orlando Resort), Orlando, FL
Attraction · 594 tips and reviews

Michelle L.Michelle Lewis: Make sure to actually stop and take in the beautiful scenery

Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey / Hogwarts Castle is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

20. Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey / Hogwarts Castle

Wizarding World (at Islands of Adventure), Orlando, FL
Attraction · 639 tips and reviews

Derek F.Derek Flanzraich: Take your time in the line - the details are worth it!

Butterbeer Cart is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

21. Butterbeer Cart

Wizarding World (at Islands of Adventure), Orlando, FL
Food Stand · 61 tips and reviews

DaleDale: Get the frozen butterbeer in the souvenir cup. Frozen buttebeer tastes great and you could get refills on drinks all over the park for $0.85 all over the park with the souvenir cup.

Dragon Challenge is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

22. Dragon Challenge

Wizarding World (at Islands of Adventure), Orlando, FL
Attraction · 176 tips and reviews
Hagrid's Hut is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

23. Hagrid's Hut

Wizarding World (at Islands of Adventure), Orlando, FL
Amusement Park · 5 tips and reviews

Justin L.Justin Lim: It's along e queue for Dragon Challenge!

The Three Broomsticks is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

24. The Three Broomsticks

Wizarding World (at Islands of Adventure), Orlando, FL
English Restaurant · 267 tips and reviews
Dervish and Banges is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

25. Dervish and Banges

Wizarding World (at Islands of Advenutre), Orlando, FL
Gift Store · 19 tips and reviews

Orlando InformerOrlando Informer: Connects to the wand shop. Pick a wand from the wand shop and bring it into Dervish And Banges for shorter check-out lines.

Flight of the Hippogriff is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

26. Flight of the Hippogriff

Wizarding World (at Islands of Adventure), Orlando, FL
Attraction · 67 tips and reviews

Marques R.Marques Robinson: Great view of Hogwarts and Hogsmeade from the top of the coaster.

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

27. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Hogsmeade

Islands of Adventure (at Universal Orlando Resort), Orlando, FL
Attraction · 594 tips and reviews

Orlando InformerOrlando Informer: Listen for Moaning Myrtle in the restrooms next to Hogs Head.

Honeydukes is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

28. Honeydukes

Wizarding World (at Islands of Adventure), Orlando, FL
Candy Store · 52 tips and reviews

Jasmine T.Jasmine Travick: The chocolate frogs can sell out quick! Hurry up and pick one before they "hop out of the box"!

29. Zonko's Joke Shop

Wizarding World (at Islands of Adventure), Orlando, FL
Toy Store · 9 tips and reviews

Sara S.Sara Stasiak: When you buy a pigmy puff they announce it to the whole store! :D

Ollivander's Wand Shop - Hogsmeade is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

30. Ollivander's Wand Shop - Hogsmeade

Hogsmeade (Islands Of Adventure), Orlando, FL
Gift Store · 79 tips and reviews

Orlando InformerOrlando Informer: Choose your very own wand - or have it choose you.

Jurassic Park is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

31. Jurassic Park

Islands of Adventure (at Universal Orlando Resort), Orlando, FL
Attraction · 62 tips and reviews

David V.David Velez: Say "Welcome to Jurassic Park!" in John Hammond's accent to three strangers!

Camp Jurassic is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

32. Camp Jurassic

Jurassic Park (at Islands of Adventure), Orlando, FL
Attraction · 15 tips and reviews

Orlando InformerOrlando Informer: A lot of people don't realize that this is an enormous kids play area. Go in and get lost in the world of Jurassic Park!

Jurassic Park River Adventure is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

33. Jurassic Park River Adventure

Jurassic Park (at Islands of Adventure), Orlando, FL
Attraction · 144 tips and reviews

Dwayne K.Dwayne Kilbourne: I recommend that you check this ride out in the evening... creates a better effect, and the lines are shorter!

Pteranodon Flyers is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

34. Pteranodon Flyers

Jurassic Park (at Islands of Adventure), Orlando, FL
Attraction · 20 tips and reviews

Carl A.Carl A: Parents if you don't have a small child you can't ride it. Lines can be way to long based on the level of thrill. Read more.

Jurassic Park Discovery Center is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

35. Jurassic Park Discovery Center

Jurassic Park (at Islands of Adventure), Orlando, FL
Science Museum · 34 tips and reviews

Carl A.Carl A: Want a shady spot to let the kids burn off some steam? Then this is it and don't skip the rock climb. Read more.

Toon Lagoon is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

36. Toon Lagoon

Islands of Adventure (at Universal Orlando Resort), Orlando, FL
Amusement Park · 37 tips and reviews

Marques R.Marques Robinson: There is a small trail to the right of Me-Ship, the Olive. If you follow it you'll see all sort of small gags like Plymouth Rock, which is a rock shaped Plymouth and a School of Fish.

Popeye & Bluto's Bilge-Rat Barges is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

37. Popeye & Bluto's Bilge-Rat Barges

Toon Lagoon (at Islands of Adventure), Orlando, FL
Attraction · 131 tips and reviews

Jason S.Jason Spafford: On a scale of 1 to WET this ride is over 9000 WET. Keep your feet up to keep them dry.

Dudley Do-Right's Ripsaw Falls is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

38. Dudley Do-Right's Ripsaw Falls

Toon Lagoon (at Islands of Adventure), Orlando, FL
Attraction · 100 tips and reviews

Jonathan C.Jonathan Cronin: No matter where you sit you're getting wet. Also when the mounties say to keep your legs straight, do it or you'll get stuck and people will laugh :)

Me Ship, The Olive is one of Universal's Islands of Adventure - Orlando Florida.

39. Me Ship, The Olive

Toon Lagoon (at Islands of Adventure), Orlando, FL
Attraction · 2 tips and reviews

Maggie M.Maggie Makowski: Great place for the little ones to run around and to shoot water at the Bilge Rat Barge riders.....free