Beatnik Photowalk
City Lights Bookstore is one of Beatnik Photowalk.

1. City Lights Bookstore

261 Columbus Ave (at Broadway), San Francisco, CA
Bookstore · Chinatown · 128 tips and reviews

Contemporary Jewish MuseumContemporary Jewish Museum: City Lights Bookstore is the epicenter of Beat History, founded by poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Peter D. Martin in 1953.

2. Vesuvio Cafe

255 Columbus Ave (btwn Broadway and Pacific), San Francisco, CA
Dive Bar · North Beach · 130 tips and reviews

Contemporary Jewish MuseumContemporary Jewish Museum: Beatnik watering hole.

Caffe Trieste is one of Beatnik Photowalk.

3. Caffe Trieste

601 Vallejo St (at Grant Ave), San Francisco, CA
Coffee Shop · North Beach · 129 tips and reviews

Contemporary Jewish MuseumContemporary Jewish Museum: Founded in 1956, this was the Beats’ home away from home.

4. The Beat Museum

540 Broadway (btwn Columbus Ave & Kearny St), San Francisco, CA
Museum · North Beach · 27 tips and reviews

Contemporary Jewish MuseumContemporary Jewish Museum: This place is full of treasures old and new, such as Allen’s typewriter, Jack’s jacket, and even the car used in the recent "On The Road" movie.

Specs' Twelve Adler Museum Cafe is one of Beatnik Photowalk.

5. Specs' Twelve Adler Museum Cafe

12 William Saroyan Pl (Columbus Avenue), San Francisco, CA
Dive Bar · North Beach · 63 tips and reviews

Contemporary Jewish MuseumContemporary Jewish Museum: SF Chronicle columnist Herb Caen coined the term “Beatnik” in print, but it it is said that this is where he overhead the words “Beat” and “Sputnik” used in close succession.

Cafe Zoetrope is one of Beatnik Photowalk.

6. Cafe Zoetrope

916 Kearny St (at Columbus Ave), San Francisco, CA
Café · North Beach · 61 tips and reviews

Contemporary Jewish MuseumContemporary Jewish Museum: The building containing this cafe houses several of Francis Ford Coppola's enterprises. He acquired the movie rights to "On the Road" in 1979.

Chinatown Restaurant is one of Beatnik Photowalk.

7. Chinatown Restaurant

700 Washington St (at Wentworth St), San Francisco, CA
Chinese Restaurant · Chinatown · 59 tips and reviews

Contemporary Jewish MuseumContemporary Jewish Museum: This used to be called Sun Hung Heung, and was one of the favorite of the Beats. Jack Kerouac especially enjoyed the balcony seats.

Portsmouth Square Park is one of Beatnik Photowalk.

8. Portsmouth Square Park

Portsmouth Square Plaza, San Francisco, CA
Park · Chinatown · 22 tips and reviews

Contemporary Jewish MuseumContemporary Jewish Museum: There's a bridge in this plaza leading to the Chinese Cultural Center that offers excellent views of Chinatown, North Beach, and Downtown.

St. Mary's Square is one of Beatnik Photowalk.

9. St. Mary's Square

651 California St (Kearny St), San Francisco, CA
Park · Chinatown · 21 tips and reviews

Contemporary Jewish MuseumContemporary Jewish Museum: Carolyn Cassady (yes that’s Neal Cassady’s wife) and Jack Kerouac used to cavort in this park when they were an item (with Neal’s permission).

10. Super Duper Burgers

721 Market St (btwn 3rd St & 4th St), San Francisco, CA
Burger Joint · SoMa · 453 tips and reviews

Contemporary Jewish MuseumContemporary Jewish Museum: Now a burger joint, this was the precise site of the photograph of Neal Cassady and Natalie Jackson, on view in the exhibition "Beat Memories." It used to be a movie theater.

Contemporary Jewish Museum is one of Beatnik Photowalk.

11. Contemporary Jewish Museum

736 Mission St (btwn 3rd & 4th St), San Francisco, CA
Museum · SoMa · 59 tips and reviews

Contemporary Jewish MuseumContemporary Jewish Museum: Take a picture with the Allen Ginsberg mural on Yerba Buena Lane, and see the exhibition "Beat Memories: The Photographs of Allen Ginsberg" on view through Sept 8.