"Informative commentator while on the cruise. Saw different whale species such minkes, humpbacks and fin whales. Parking does suck and it isn't even mentioned on their website"
Boat / Ferry
· Barnstable, United States
"great Mumford and Sons concert. Epic night, once in a life time experience. unforgettable ❤"
· Forest Hills, United States
9.1"True Blood, Girls and Real Housewives !"
Arts & Entertainment
· Baldwin, United States
"Amazing maine blueberry ice cream, as well as the coconut! Get it with a cone and you won't be disappointed!"
· Brewster, United States
8.5"Great prices for great hairstyles, cuts, & colors!"
· Garden City East, United States
"Game of Thrones East Bound & Down Sons Of Anarchy"
Arts & Entertainment
· Baldwin, United States