Hands is one of Japan.

1. Hands

下京区長刀鉾町27 (四条烏丸東入 外市秀裳苑ビル 1F-4F), 京都市, 京都府
Furniture and Home Store · 下京区 · 22 tips and reviews
Maruzen is one of Japan.

2. Maruzen

中京区山崎町251 (河原町通三条下ル/京都BAL B1F-B2F), 京都市, 京都府
Bookstore · 河原町 · 10 tips and reviews
Arashiyama Monkey Park Iwatayama is one of Japan.

3. Arashiyama Monkey Park Iwatayama

(嵐山モンキーパーク いわたやま)
西京区嵐山元録山町8, 京都市, 京都府
Zoo · 81 tips and reviews
Ghibli Museum is one of Japan.

4. Ghibli Museum

下連雀1-1-83, 三鷹市, 東京都
Art Museum · 135 tips and reviews
Nezu Museum is one of Japan.

5. Nezu Museum

南青山6-5-1, 東京, 東京都
Art Museum · 青山 · 89 tips and reviews

6. Kiddy Land

神宮前6-1-9, 東京, 東京都
Toy Store · 神宮前 · 105 tips and reviews

Taylor M.Taylor McKnight: Allot ~1 hour to enjoy 5 levels of awesome toys. Good gifts!

7. Yoyogi Park

代々木神園町/神南2, 東京, 東京都
Park · 明治神宮 · 156 tips and reviews

Jesse J.Jesse Johnston: Given the sheer size of the park, you'd never know how many people were there, but it's very obviously a popular spot. Alcohol and picnics are encouraged and there's a dedicated bike path for cyclists

8. Saya no Yudokoro

(前野原温泉 さやの湯処)
前野町3-41-1, 板橋区, 東京都
Hot Spring · 63 tips and reviews

BubbleBubble: Onsen in a suburban quiet Tokyo area. It's more original and cheap. You get a towel for some extra bucks. Has a restaurant, a zen garden, sauna, jacuzzi and a relaxing spring in the open.

9. Tsutaya Books

(代官山 蔦屋書店)
猿楽町17-5 (代官山T-SITE), 渋谷区, 東京都
Bookstore · Daikanyama · 187 tips and reviews

Amiro P.Amiro P.: What a great place to hang out, chill have a coffee and read. One of the best book shops I've ever visited. it's open everyday until 2am so no need to hurry

10. Tsukiji Market

築地5-2-1, 東京, 東京都
Market · 築地 · 269 tips and reviews

Simple DiscoveriesSimple Discoveries: Wake up really early (or don't sleep) if you want to hit the Tuna Auction as only 120 spots available. A 3am arrival got us there just in time!

Deus Ex Machina is one of Japan.

11. Deus Ex Machina

神宮前3-29-5, 東京, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 神宮前 · 108 tips and reviews

sputneeksputneek: This way-too-cool bike-surfshop cum café tucked in a Harajuku lane serves really good coffee. Sandwiches are hearty meals with fries and salad. Really nice place to just 'zone out' from the crowd.

12. Top of Mt. Takao

高尾町 (高尾山), 八王子市, 東京都
Mountain · 74 tips and reviews

Hampus A.Hampus Andersson: Fantastic view from this mountain. A very enjoyable hike. Do you dare take the chair lift? It's exhilarating!