Instant-Fogas is one of budapest.

1. Instant-Fogas

Akácfa u. 49-51. (Ó u.), Budapest, Budapest
Night Club · Zsidónegyed · 259 tips and reviews
Corvin Club is one of budapest.

2. Corvin Club

Blaha Lujza tér 1. (Somogyi Béla u.), Budapest, Budapest
Night Club · Budapest VII. kerülete · 89 tips and reviews
Szimpla Kert is one of budapest.

3. Szimpla Kert

Kazinczy u. 14. (Wesselényi u.), Budapest, Budapest
Pub · Zsidónegyed · 1241 tips and reviews
Printa Café is one of budapest.

4. Printa Café

Rumbach Sebestyén u. 10., Budapest, Budapest
Art Gallery · Zsidónegyed · 64 tips and reviews

Justus B.Justus Bruns: Buy your presents here. Seriously. How cool is it to give presents to friends/family made by local designers and artist from Budapest!

Déryné Bisztró is one of budapest.

5. Déryné Bisztró

Krisztina tér 3. (Roham u.), Budapest, Budapest
Bistro · Krisztinaváros · 236 tips and reviews

Justus B.Justus Bruns: During lunch time you can ask the waiter for the pianist to play for more swing music. Breakfast is great too. Have some jasmin tea after your salmon over rye loaf. Woah!

New York Café is one of budapest.

6. New York Café

Erzsébet krt. 11. (Dohány u.), Budapest, Budapest
Café · Budapest VII. kerülete · 898 tips and reviews

Justus B.Justus Bruns: You are the movie. Suck it up. It's just... No words. Walk in, smile and pretend you are the owner. This will make you feel like an ol' austrian hungarian emperror.

Mazel Tov is one of budapest.

7. Mazel Tov

Akácfa u. 47., Budapest, Budapest
Jewish Restaurant · Zsidónegyed · 362 tips and reviews

Justus B.Justus Bruns: Covers of Milky Way and Budapest were sung here with rough voice and accoustic guitar. Food was wonderful! Romantic date all the way. I'm in a movie.