$15 ALL YOU CAN DRINK DURING THE PACKERS VS BEARS GAME! Watch the game on IVY's multiple flat screens! Let's watch the bears get pounded again! #gopackgo
@OmgMilwaukee is hosting LADIES NIGHT Tonight With guest DJ @HaZeOnKissFm! Ladies Drink Free from 9-12!#pantherfest #Milwaukee #MKE http://yfrog.com/mmog5aj Read more
LOVE PINK Part 2==> Thursday, October 13th <==WEAR PINK for Breast Cancer Awareness month!Doors open at 9pm.DRINK SPECIALS:$2 Domestic Beer$3 Call Mixers
IVY promises to be a refreshing, much-welcomed venue in the Milwaukee's... current nightlife mix. It fills the void between corner bars & pretentious nightclubs. When you walk through the doors, you will have a social experience you won't ever forget. @kharyp @twojinx @IVYMKE(Show more)