Do you want to meet the best experienced Hotel chain in Peru? the one who won "the best resort in South America, by Trip Advisor". Please looking for PERU both, local 22: Libertador Hotels & Resorts
Lost in the evening in the big halls after having to much drinks? Doors are locked? Go outside into the "Sommergarten" - look for building no. 20 - next to the blue doors is the way out ;o)
Deutschland (DZT u.a. mit IHA, DTV adfc, UNESCO Welterbestätten Deutschland): Halle 12, Stand 102; Berlin und Brandenburg (u.a. mit visitBerlin und Berlin Highlights): Halle 12, Stand 101
6. bis 10. März 2013 (Fachbesucher kompletter Messezeitraum, Privatbesucher am 9. und 10. März), Öffnungszeiten: 10 - 18 Uhr. Partnerland ist in diesem Jahr Indonesien.
ITB Berlin is the foremost business platform for global touristic offers. What began in 1966 as a small overseas import trade show has developed into the leading trade show of the worldwide travel industry and, at the same time, the biggest travel show for the German public.