Asian Restaurant · Gornji Grad – Medveščak · 71 tips and reviews
Martin Milinkovic: Vrlo dobar fusion bar sa stalnim i pokojim dnevnom kreacijom. Odlican juneci stir fry, originalni hrskavi pileci zamotuljak (ne sp. rola) u tijestu, fenomenalan desert od manga, rize i vanilije.
Ratko Gregor Jagodic: Najbolji "mali" restoran u kvartu. Odlicna hrana i cool "dosao sam na bakin tavan" uredjenje, nimalo pretenciozan i umisljen. Variva i juhe su vrh!
Ivana Tkalčića 18 (Skalinska), Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Café · Gornji Grad – Medveščak · 29 tips and reviews
Ivan Kovacevic: One of the most interesting bars and hang out places in Zagreb. Stop by and try honey or blueberry rakija (famous Croatian alcoholic drink).
Ivan Kovacevic: Cool student's hangout place just by the college. You don't have to be a student to enjoy this place. Take a seat in the front terrace and enjoy a cold one.
Ivan Kovacevic: This Irish pub run by a real Irishman is a great place for a lively chat (in english & croatian). There is a great selection of foreign beers. If you're into dark beer try O'hara's stout ontap.