Must-visit Restaurants in Makassar
Coto Nusantara is one of Must-visit Restaurants in Makassar.

1. Coto Nusantara

Jalan Nusantara No. 32, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Soup Spot · 107 tips and reviews

Irene A.Irene Aristia: coto + buras + teh botol ! yummmy

Nasi Kuning Riburane is one of Must-visit Restaurants in Makassar.

2. Nasi Kuning Riburane

Jl. Riburane (Depan RRI), Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Breakfast Spot · 41 tips and reviews
Soto betawi H.rani is one of Must-visit Restaurants in Makassar.

3. Soto betawi H.rani

Jl.veteran utara no.288, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Soup Spot · 8 tips and reviews

Irene A.Irene Aristia: soto betawi + nasi sambal goreng = wow !

MAMA Toko Kue & Es Krim is one of Must-visit Restaurants in Makassar.

4. MAMA Toko Kue & Es Krim

Jl. Serui No. 19, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Snack Place · 42 tips and reviews

Irene A.Irene Aristia: es pisang ijo dan bubur manadonya enak

Palbas Serigala is one of Must-visit Restaurants in Makassar.

5. Palbas Serigala

Jalan Serigala No. 54 (Jl.Serigala), Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Soup Spot · 150 tips and reviews
Kios Lompobattang is one of Must-visit Restaurants in Makassar.

6. Kios Lompobattang

Jl. G. Lompobattang No. 113, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Dumpling Restaurant · 5 tips and reviews

Irene A.Irene Aristia: bakpao keju, bakpao daging, & siomaynya nyum :9

7. Martabak&Terang Bulan Holland

Jln.slt.Hasanuddin No.42 (Jln.slt.hasanuddin (Dpn Koni)), Kota Makasar, Sulawesi Selatan
Food Truck · 1 tip

Irene A.Irene Aristia: terang bulan special keju, terang bulan garing keju, martabak spesial campur :9

Kios Ati Raja is one of Must-visit Restaurants in Makassar.

8. Kios Ati Raja

Jl. Gunung Merapi No. 170 (Jl. Gunung Nona), Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Indonesian Restaurant · 42 tips and reviews

Irene A.Irene Aristia: bakso gorengnya mantap

Sate Gunung Merapi is one of Must-visit Restaurants in Makassar.

9. Sate Gunung Merapi

Jl. Gunung Merapi No. 39, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
BBQ Joint · 10 tips and reviews

Irene A.Irene Aristia: sate ayam :9

Pisang Goreng Jampea is one of Must-visit Restaurants in Makassar.

10. Pisang Goreng Jampea

Jalan Sulawesi (Jalan Jampea), Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Dessert Shop · 5 tips and reviews

Irene A.Irene Aristia: pisang goreng palmsuiker keju :9

Depot Jagung Bakar Cece is one of Must-visit Restaurants in Makassar.

11. Depot Jagung Bakar Cece

Jl. Gunung Latimojong No. 1, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Food Truck · 10 tips and reviews

Irene A.Irene Aristia: jagung bakar pedas manis :9

Bakso Mutiara (Samping Kedai Win-win) is one of Must-visit Restaurants in Makassar.

12. Bakso Mutiara (Samping Kedai Win-win)

Jalan Cendrawasih (Jalan Cendrawasih), Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Soup Spot · 4 tips and reviews
Bakso Favorit Ahmad Yani Mas Endro is one of Must-visit Restaurants in Makassar.

13. Bakso Favorit Ahmad Yani Mas Endro

Jl. Ahmad Yani (Depan Hawa Baru) (Jl. Kajolalido), Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Food Truck · 8 tips and reviews

14. Sate Sulawesi

Jl. Sulawesi (perempatan sumba)
Food Truck · 1 tip

15. Puja mas hypermart

Mall GTC, Tanjung Bunga, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Snack Place · 1 tip

Irene A.Irene Aristia: ubi goreng :9

Risoles Mayonaise Nirwana is one of Must-visit Restaurants in Makassar.

16. Risoles Mayonaise Nirwana

Jl. Ranggong No. 7, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Dessert Shop · 7 tips and reviews

Irene A.Irene Aristia: risoles mayonaise :9

Pangsit Mie Palu is one of Must-visit Restaurants in Makassar.

17. Pangsit Mie Palu

Jl. Sangir No. 31, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Noodle Restaurant · 17 tips and reviews

Irene A.Irene Aristia: pangsit babi tore :9

Pangsit mie sangir 90 is one of Must-visit Restaurants in Makassar.

18. Pangsit mie sangir 90

Sangir 90, Wajobaru, Sulawesi Selatan
Noodle Restaurant · 15 tips and reviews

Irene A.Irene Aristia: pangsit mie & nasi tim :9

Laota Restaurant is one of Must-visit Restaurants in Makassar.

19. Laota Restaurant

Jl. Sulawesi No. 2B/6, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Asian Restaurant · 11 tips and reviews

Irene A.Irene Aristia: bubur laota, bebek panggang

RM Bahari is one of Must-visit Restaurants in Makassar.

20. RM Bahari

Jl. Yosef Latumahina No. 18, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Seafood Restaurant · 20 tips and reviews

Irene A.Irene Aristia: udang goreng telur asin

RM Seafood Losari is one of Must-visit Restaurants in Makassar.

21. RM Seafood Losari

Jl. Lamadukelleng No. 29 (Jl. Haji Bau), Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Seafood Restaurant · 55 tips and reviews

Irene A.Irene Aristia: ayam leleng :9

RM Seafood Apong is one of Must-visit Restaurants in Makassar.

22. RM Seafood Apong

Jl. Diponegoro No. 95, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Seafood Restaurant · 43 tips and reviews

Irene A.Irene Aristia: kepiting saus singapore :9

Warung Cobek Cobek is one of Must-visit Restaurants in Makassar.

23. Warung Cobek Cobek

Jl. Amanagappa No. 7, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Indonesian Restaurant · 35 tips and reviews

Irene A.Irene Aristia: bebek bakar, ayam penyet, gado-gado, soto ayam, perkedel kentang & jagung, lidah goreng, sayur asem

Dinar Seafood & Ayam Goreng is one of Must-visit Restaurants in Makassar.

24. Dinar Seafood & Ayam Goreng

Jl. Lamadukeleng, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Seafood Restaurant · 10 tips and reviews

Irene A.Irene Aristia: ayam goreng, ikan sunu fillet, kerang ijo saus padang, terong saus padang, cumi goreng mentega, sate ayam

Sop sodara haji Lian Mall Panakukkang is one of Must-visit Restaurants in Makassar.

25. Sop sodara haji Lian Mall Panakukkang

Mariso, Sulawesi Selatan
Asian Restaurant · 1 tip
Lumpia Sulawesi is one of Must-visit Restaurants in Makassar.

26. Lumpia Sulawesi

Jl. Lasinrang No. 11 C, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Snack Place · 26 tips and reviews
RM Muda Mudi is one of Must-visit Restaurants in Makassar.

27. RM Muda Mudi

Jalan Rusa No. 45 A, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Indonesian Restaurant · 38 tips and reviews

Irene A.Irene Aristia: jalangkote, kroket

28. R.M Turi

Kajaolalido, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Seafood Restaurant · 3 tips and reviews

Irene A.Irene Aristia: sate ayam, ikan bandeng parape, cumi goreng mentega

Makassar Suki Cafe and Resto is one of Must-visit Restaurants in Makassar.

29. Makassar Suki Cafe and Resto

Jl. Bali No. 92 (Jl. Lombok), Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Chinese Restaurant · 49 tips and reviews

Irene A.Irene Aristia: salmon steak, udang mayonaise :9

RM Paotere is one of Must-visit Restaurants in Makassar.

30. RM Paotere

Jl. A.P. Pettarani No.7 (Jalan Bonto Langkasa), Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Seafood Restaurant · 14 tips and reviews
Ayam Goreng Sulawesi is one of Must-visit Restaurants in Makassar.

31. Ayam Goreng Sulawesi

Jl. Pattimura No. 2, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Restaurant · 18 tips and reviews
NyukNyang Irian is one of Must-visit Restaurants in Makassar.

32. NyukNyang Irian

Jln. Irian, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Chinese Restaurant · 4 tips and reviews

33. Gorengan Gumer

Restaurant · 1 tip

Irene A.Irene Aristia: pisang goreng, bakara' nyamm :9

Kios Lombok is one of Must-visit Restaurants in Makassar.

34. Kios Lombok

Jl. Lombok No. 38, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Chinese Restaurant · 19 tips and reviews

Irene A.Irene Aristia: nasi goreng yan chow, sayap goreng, ATT

Kios Irian Timor is one of Must-visit Restaurants in Makassar.

35. Kios Irian Timor

Jl. Irian (Jl. Bali), Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Chinese Restaurant · 7 tips and reviews

Irene A.Irene Aristia: mie goreng kantong :9

Mie Goreng Asun is one of Must-visit Restaurants in Makassar.

36. Mie Goreng Asun

Jln. Diponegoro, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Asian Restaurant · 6 tips and reviews
Nasi Goreng Sumba is one of Must-visit Restaurants in Makassar.

37. Nasi Goreng Sumba

Jl. Sumba (Jl. Sulawesi), Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
Food Truck · 3 tips and reviews

Irene A.Irene Aristia: murah meriah dan enaksss