Nikoletta Hendrik: Enjoy sightseeing but have a drink or lunch somewhere else - as everything is unreasonably expensive inside and around the castle area.
Scenic Lookout · Halászbástya · 285 tips and reviews
Jennifer: You can pay to go to the top level or stay on the ground level for free! While looking at the cafe go to the left. There is a small opening where you can get to a ledge to overlook the city for free!
Radnóti Miklós u. 38. (Pozsonyi út), Budapest, Budapest
Hungarian Restaurant · Budapest XIII. kerülete · 148 tips and reviews
Anna Litvitcsak: Bent durván kaja szaga lesz a ruhádnak, hajadnak. Ha kint találsz helyet, akkor érdemes végig böngészni a választékot, persze nem egy gasztronómiai orgiára, de nem rossz :)
Scenic Lookout · Budapest XI. kerülete · 20 tips and reviews
Jason Kende: Top of the rock. Start at the base of Gellért hill, either by Erzsébet bridge or Szabadság bridge, and hike all the way to the top. Great exercise and even better views.
budapestUNDERGUIDE: Best to visit this incredible church on the same walk as visiting the Buda Castle! Not too far away,and really an amazing half day trip! We suggest walking from the Danube for both sites and exercise!