Really great old school American-style ice cream, which seems to be denser and richer than gelato, which is what everyone else has. It's nice to have scoops for a change, and the people are nice!
Almost forgot… they have one explicitly vegan flavour [dark chocolate crisp, some kind of chocolate sorbet]. Their fruit flavours seem to be sorbets and thus vegan as well. When I visited they had two
US style bakery - finally in Vienna a good bagel :) everything else sounds just as appealing: brownies, cinnamon rolls, and various exciting milkshakes too
Not the best ice cream in Vienna, but uncommon flavours… and you can top them w/ smarties and have them on a Belgian waffle. Wouldn't mind if they swapped their chocolate sauce for nutella, though ;)
Cream cheese ice cream tastes like the filling of an American cheesecake. Belgian waffles are very fluffy. Scoops are small, could contain more of the advertised ingredients [brownies etc]. Taste good
Pure Living Bakery Downtown... Perfekt zubereiteter Kaffee, herrliche Crumble und Cheesecakes, wunderbare Bagels... Sehr empfehlenswert! Nicht zu vergessen die coole Einrichtung...
Hier gibt es demnächst cooles, handwerklich hergestelltes Eis ohne Konservierungsmittel, Stabilisatoren oder künstliche Aromen - Zusammengefasst: Cool home made ice dreams
Cool Homemade Ice Dreams und leckere Waffeln. Vom Eis über die Waffelkörbchen bis zum Topping machen wir alles selbst. Eissorten wie Nerd's Favourite oder Snow White Strawberry sind super lecker und nur bei uns erhältlich. Basics wie Banane, Schokolade oder Erdbeer können wir natürlich auch.