"I like the shakhe shake and chips here"
"I just like the cookies here, they are actually yum and the price is above normal"
"I think the only acceptable thing in here is the Apple cinnamon cheese cake, and the other things here are awful"
"The chips was normal, the "green salad" was normal but it's sauce was delicious, the chicken was just acceptable!"
"I really don't like this place, the cookies are awful, the chocolate cake that I bought here was too salty!"
"خعلي زشته يه هتل قديمي به اون زيبايي قهوه ش از دستگاه خونگي بگيره كه بسيار بده و اينكه يه سيستم درست ضد صدا نداره كه توي لابي نشستي ولي انگار موزيك بندري عروسي رو دارن تو گوشت ميزنن! واي فاي هم نداره!"