4 places updated February 13, 2016
4 places including Sempione Park, San Siro Stadium, Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, Mercato Rionale di Via Fauché
1 places updated April 18, 2015
1 place including Port Market
7 places updated April 18, 2015
7 places including Retiro Park, Estadio Vicente Calderón, Palace of Communication, Plaza de Santa Ana
19 places updated April 23, 2015
19 places including Distilleerderij 't Nieuwe Diep, Bakers & Roasters, De Bakkerswinkel, Pathé Tuschinski
9 places updated January 22, 2015
9 places including Caesarea Amphitheater, אחוזת שולמית, Old City of Acre / Akko, Baha'i Gardens
2 places updated July 13, 2014
2 places including Castello Scaligero, Verona