"Good burgers, good price better than McDonalds yum."
· San Francisco, United States
7.3"This place is Gross While eat my lunch I found fruitflies or fleas on the windows and some these are dead that made me lose my appetite someone should call the Health Inspector on McDonalds."
지 수 정 ·
September 21, 2015Fast Food
· San Francisco, United States
5.1"J-line sucks when muni drivers call in sick and the wait times double and sometimes triple instead of one train every 9-minutes ha it's a joke."
Light Rail
· San Francisco, United States
"Watch out for panhandlers."
· San Francisco, United States
6.6"The warmest part of San Francisco east of Twin Peaks"
Home (private)
· San Francisco, United States
"Tony's has really good fries and their Fish and Chips is awesome I would recommend it."
· San Francisco, United States