Well worth a visit. You have the Spanish riding school in the building as well as the Kaiserappartments, Sisi museum, national library. Tickets available in a booth in the garden.
Very interesting conglomerate of buildings with lots to see and explore. Take your time; don't overdo it! Check the exhibition you want to see most, but also enjoy the historic atmosphere with coffee.
It's huge. It offers a great tour trough imperial Austria, including the imperial service, apartments and a look into the life of Sisi. Prepare for a long walk
Former imperial palace. Part of the palace forms the official residence and workplace of the President of Austria. Also includes the Spanish Riding School, Austrian Library etc.
Historical... beautiful... magical... unbelievable... shall I go on? Grab yourself a coffee outside at the Demel and relax under the aura of this impressive landmark.
Vyanaya işlə bağlı gəlmişdim. İş bizə bələdçi də qoşmuşdu ki, bizə şəhər barədə danışsın. Əgər imkan çatırsa Vyananı xüsusilə də hofburqu bələdçi ilə gəzin. Sirrlər dünyasıdır.
The 1967 Eurovision Song Contest was held here, touch the walls and get connected to the Eurovision history. Then take a photo and share the experience! Read more
It's a little disappointing when you enter a palace and you see about 30 rooms of... plates? Also the Sisi Museum could be a lot less dim and better assembled.
Die Hofburg war vom 13. Jh bis 1918 (mit Unterbrechungen) die Residenz der Habsburger in Wien. Seit 1945 ist sie der Amtssitz des Österreichischen Bundespräsidenten. In ihr sind der größte Teil der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek sowie verschiedene Museen und das Bundesdenkmalamt untergebracht.