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- Oscar BrownJune 10, 2010go party for free ladies and reduced price gents on saturdays at the rewind show on oscars list Read more
- J PJune 21, 2012This place is bullshit. The owner is a dick,the prices are retarded. $10 per person per table and they ask for extra tips on top of the 25% allready. Skip this overpriced dump
- Miguel GonzalezMarch 31, 2010Tables are first-come, first-serve but be warned that they will not seat incomplete parties
- Mark KomplaintNovember 1, 2010Don't bother asking for a glass of water to take a tylenol.... because the answer is, as always, NO!
- Esther LeibelOctober 12, 2010Cheaters! They said Elisa's concert would start at 8 (door opening at 6) and it starts at 10, instead! And the support band sucks!
- Rae TJune 15, 2011Service sucks. You'll die waiting for a drink, but you have to endure it for the brilliant performances.
- Aron CohenJuly 13, 2015unless there's really good music you absolutely *need* to see live, don't go. when it's just a club, it gets really bad. just... trashy, cheap, bad.
- Raheem KAugust 15, 201810ドルミニマムと、チップ込みの請求書、が確かにルールですね。しかし、ソフトドリンクで10ドルに達するにはどうすれば良いかと思うものの、ソフトドリンクはメニューには載っていないし、値段も聞かなればわからない。(実際には紅茶もジンジャーエールも4ドルです。2018)接客もちょっと雑で…Blue Note NYとBirdlandも体験しましたが、ココが一番妙な違和感がありましたね…
- Cik AbangMay 6, 2014Be happy. Jadilah diri sendiri. Jika orang lain tidak menyukainya, maka jangan lakukan. Kebahagiaan adalah sebuah pilihan. Hidup ini bukan tentang menyenangkan semua orang.