Has to be one of the most involved biggest museums ever. Besides cars it had whole bunch of history. You need 2 trips to finish it. The gift shop was cool. So many exhibits def a must do. Loved it
Such a fun place to spend a day, with so many things to see and do! Don't forget to check out the gallery space for traveling and limited time exhibits!
An absolute must! Do a factorytour as well- F150 assembly line is simply mesmerizing! Museum has the largest collection of retro cars, engines etc. plan 2-3 hours to see everything
The museum is built like a castle. But, the real deal is the factorytour. If it's too steep to pay for both admission to the museum ($35) and taking the factorytour ($24), do the tour!
Be sure to see the Rosa Parks bus and take the Ford factory tour. Vets be sure to go on Veteran’s Day weekend, as you and your family get free admission to Henry Ford and the Village.
Amazing collection of technology (and a bit of culture) from the Industrial Revolution onward. Give yourself the better part of a day to soak it all in. You can always lunch at the WeinermobileCafé!
Must-see. A unique, fun, & very worthwhile place. The recently refurbished Driving America exhibit is awesome. Check out the Dymaxion House for something quirky.
If you go to the "Made in America - Power" section, there's a display case with some strange artifacts, including Edison's Last Breath and a death mask of Tesla.
The BEST part of our vacation. Pricey, but if you stay in the main building, $56 for a family of 3 + parking. You could easily spend 6+ hours roaming around. In the long run, good bang for the buck.
Another great place of history!!! Something for every history lover in here...from presidential limos to classic Ford cars to the Weinermobile :-):-):-):-)
Greenfield Village and Henry Ford Museum are my among favorite places in Michigan. Love Edison's lab and the boarding house brought in from their original location.
Lots of automotive memorabilia, locomotives, presidential limousines. Neat exhibits dedicated to inventors and innovation. Take the time to explore this fascinating museum.
Did you know? Henry Ford began his collection in the 1910s. He focused on common objects used in everyday life because he thought history focused too much on wars and politics. Read more
They have a "Macy's 2nd Mondays" event here for kids under 5. It is fun! They have a different event every month. If you are looking for something to shake it up Read more
While Autos in American Life is getting a facelift, check out the Dymaxion House, the Highland Parkengines, and the Rosa Parks Bus. You still need more than a day to see all the awesome!
Have lunch @ the Weiner Dog Cafe - then have your picture made in front of the original weinermobile or make a mold to take home with you. Can even buy a toyweinermobile in the gift shop next to cafe
My boys love the Ford! Every trip, they make a beeline for the trains and airplanes. They always want to eat at the Michigan Cafe- great food. And don't miss the Rouge Plant tour.