Red Square is one of Russia.

1. Red Square

(Красная площадь)
Красная пл., Москва, Москва
Plaza · Красная площадь · 918 tips and reviews
St. Basil's Cathedral is one of Russia.

2. St. Basil's Cathedral

(Храм Василия Блаженного)
Красная пл., 7 (пл. Васильевский Спуск), Москва, Москва
Church · Красная площадь · 133 tips and reviews

GarikTravelsGarikTravels: Was founded in 1555 to commemorate the capture of Kazan and Astrakhan. They say that the architect was blinded, so he couldn't create another masterpiece like this one.

The Kremlin is one of Russia.

3. The Kremlin

Красная пл., Москва, Москва
Government Building · Красная площадь · 226 tips and reviews

Darius A.Darius A: The Moscow Kremlin

Observation Deck is one of Russia.

4. Observation Deck

(Смотровая площадка)
ул. Косыгина (Университетская пл.), Москва, Москва
Scenic Lookout · МГУ · 311 tips and reviews

We heart MoscowWe heart Moscow: Besides the great view it's a meeting point for motorcycle clubs and street racers. There's a walkway down to the Moskva River only a few hundred meters away to the right.

Domodedovo International Airport (DME) is one of Russia.

5. Domodedovo International Airport (DME)

(Международный аэропорт Домодедово)
Домодедово, Московская обл.
International Airport · 3455 tips and reviews

We heart MoscowWe heart Moscow: Welcome to Domodedovo, largest airport in Russia. Find out places to eat or buy local sim-card in our airport guide:

Bunker-42 is one of Russia.

6. Bunker-42

5-й Котельнический пер., 11 (Гончарная ул.), Москва, Москва
History Museum · Таганский · 101 tips and reviews

We heart MoscowWe heart Moscow: Constructed in 1956 as a Soviet army command centre and nuclear bomb shelter, the location of this top-secret bunker was only revealed in 2006 when it became a museum. Book tickets in advance via web.

Frendy's Diner is one of Russia.

7. Frendy's Diner

ул. Покровка, 28, Москва, Москва
Diner · Басманный · 164 tips and reviews

We heart MoscowWe heart Moscow: Tiny american diner with huge american burgers. One of those hidden places you never visit by just walking nearby.

The Apothecaries' Garden is one of Russia.

8. The Apothecaries' Garden

(Ботанический сад МГУ «Аптекарский огород»)
просп. Мира, 26, стр. 1, Москва, Москва
Botanical Garden · Мещанский · 432 tips and reviews

We heart MoscowWe heart Moscow: Perhaps the cosiest park in the city centre. This oldest botanical garden was created in 1706 according to decree of Peter I and was used for cultivation of medicinal herbs.

Gastronome № 1 is one of Russia.

9. Gastronome № 1

(Гастроном № 1)
Красная пл., 3, Москва, Москва
Grocery Store · Китай-город · 133 tips and reviews

We heart MoscowWe heart Moscow: Opened in 1953, this place shows us how every grocery store in Moscow might have looked like today if the Soviet Union still existed.

Coffeemania is one of Russia.

10. Coffeemania

Трубная пл., 2, Москва, Москва
Coffee Shop · Мещанский · 336 tips and reviews

We heart MoscowWe heart Moscow: Some say it's overpriced. Others believe it's the best coffee-shop chain in town. At Coffeemania they make excellent coffee and regularly win awards at barista international championships.

Red Square is one of Russia.

11. Red Square

(Красная площадь)
Красная пл., Москва, Москва
Plaza · Красная площадь · 918 tips and reviews

We heart MoscowWe heart Moscow: Sunset is a perfect time to take in the great views of the Kremlin, GUM and Saint Basil's Cathedral, as the last rays of the sun cast reflections over this legendary area.

Vogue Café is one of Russia.

12. Vogue Café

ул. Кузнецкий Мост, 7, Москва, Москва
Café · Тверской · 264 tips and reviews

We heart MoscowWe heart Moscow: Through the years Vogue Café has managed to maintain its reputation of one of the most chic places in the city. Gastronomic happiness, brightness of living, and inevitable of meeting anyone.

Fresh is one of Russia.

13. Fresh

ул. Большая Дмитровка, 11, Москва, Москва
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant · Тверской · 443 tips and reviews

We heart MoscowWe heart Moscow: The Fresh concept of vegetarian cuisine is more than just natural, farm-fresh produce. They don't use butter, dairy, eggs, honey or any animal products in their food.

Cathedral of Christ the Saviour is one of Russia.

14. Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

(Храм Христа Спасителя)
ул. Волхонка, 15, Москва, Москва
Church · Хамовники · 147 tips and reviews

We heart MoscowWe heart Moscow: Tourists come to the cathedral for its impressive architecture and design, as well as for it's equally impressive (and strange) history. There's a nice pedestrian bridge at the back of the building.

Cafe Pushkin is one of Russia.

15. Cafe Pushkin

(Кафе Пушкинъ)
Тверской бул., 26а (Тверская ул.), Москва, Москва
Russian Restaurant · Пресненский · 757 tips and reviews

We heart MoscowWe heart Moscow: Opened in 1999, the restaurant is situated in a building that was renovated to look exactly like a Russian aristocrat's home circa 1825. Rated 5 of 5 at TripAdvisor.

Gorky Park is one of Russia.

16. Gorky Park

(ЦПКиО им. Горького)
ул. Крымский Вал, 9, Москва, Москва
Park · Парк Горького · 1784 tips and reviews

We heart MoscowWe heart Moscow: After a major reconstruction in 2011, Gorky Park became the most popular place to go for a stroll in Moscow. There's a plethora of cafes, restaurants and activities. Free Wi-Fi is available.

Ostozhenka Street is one of Russia.

17. Ostozhenka Street

(Улица Остоженка)
ул. Остоженка, Москва, Москва
Road · Хамовники · 13 tips and reviews

We heart MoscowWe heart Moscow: Ostozhenka always listed in top 10 most expensive streets in the world. Gorgeous Art Nouveau buildings show how Moscow would've looked like if the Soviet Era never started in Russia.

Multimedia Art Museum is one of Russia.

18. Multimedia Art Museum

(Мультимедиа арт-музей / Московский дом фотографии)
ул. Остоженка, 16 (Лопухинский пер.), Москва, Москва
Art Museum · Хамовники · 628 tips and reviews

We heart MoscowWe heart Moscow: MAMM's current position as one of the city’s most respected and popular art spaces is the result of years of careful operation and ambitious, long-running and perfectly balanced exhibitions.

Patriarshiye Ponds is one of Russia.

19. Patriarshiye Ponds

(Патриаршие пруды)
Малая Бронная ул. (Большой Патриарший пер.), Москва, Москва
Park · Патриаршие пруды · 477 tips and reviews

We heart MoscowWe heart Moscow: Surrounded by modern restaurants like Uilliam's, «I Love Cake» and Pavilion, Patriarch Ponds area is also one of the main settings of Mikhail Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita.

20. Black Market

ул. Усачева, 2, корп. 1, Москва, Москва
American Restaurant · Хамовники · 509 tips and reviews
Flotilla «Radisson Royal» is one of Russia.

21. Flotilla «Radisson Royal»

(Флотилия «Рэдиссон Ройал»)
наб. Тараса Шевченко (причал «Гостиница Украина»), Москва, Москва
Cruise · Дорогомилово · 193 tips and reviews

We heart MoscowWe heart Moscow: It's a captivating two-hour cruise on the Moskva River aboard a modern 50-metre yacht. Two promenade decks offer panoramic visibility of Moscow and large restaurant and bar available on board.

Palace Square is one of Russia.

22. Palace Square

(Дворцовая площадь)
Дворцовая пл. (Невский просп.), Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Plaza · Исторический центр · 519 tips and reviews

sergune4kasergune4ka: кататься на лонгбордах, скейтах, роликах и на прочей атрибутике - здесь самое то)

Moskovsky Railway Station is one of Russia.

23. Moskovsky Railway Station

(Московский вокзал)
Невский просп., 85 (Лиговский просп.), Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Rail Station · Округ Лиговка-Ямская · 707 tips and reviews

Russian RailwaysRussian Railways: The station building is a twin of the Leningradsky railway station in Moscow.

Spit of Vasilievsky Island is one of Russia.

24. Spit of Vasilievsky Island

(Стрелка Васильевского острова)
Биржевая пл., Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Scenic Lookout · Округ № 7 · 185 tips and reviews

NeKiPiSHuiNeKiPiSHui: The tip of Vasilievsky island is decorated with pretty floral arrangements and a great view towards Peter-Paul Fortress and the Neva embankment.

Smolny Cathedral is one of Russia.

25. Smolny Cathedral

(Смольный собор)
пл. Растрелли, 1, лит. А, Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Church · Округ Смольнинское · 103 tips and reviews

NeKiPiSHuiNeKiPiSHui: Smolniy used to be a monastery, but now it houses many faculties of the State University. You can still visit the cathedral and go up to see a view accross the city.

Alexander Nevsky Lavra is one of Russia.

26. Alexander Nevsky Lavra

(Александро-Невская лавра)
наб. р. Монастырки, 1, Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Monastery · Округ Лиговка-Ямская · 68 tips and reviews

NeKiPiSHuiNeKiPiSHui: The botanical garden is nice to walk around on a hot summer day. Next to it is a graveyard with many famous Russians from earlier centuries.

The Catherine Palace is one of Russia.

27. The Catherine Palace

(Екатерининский дворец)
Екатерининский парк (Садовая ул., 7), Пушкин, Санкт-Петербург
Palace · 199 tips and reviews

NeKiPiSHuiNeKiPiSHui: My favourite of the palace areas outside of the city. The palace is slightly less glittery than Peterhof, and the gardens are huge and beautiful.

Pulkovo International Airport (LED) is one of Russia.

28. Pulkovo International Airport (LED)

(Международный аэропорт Пулково)
Пулковское ш., 41, лит. ЗА, Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
International Airport · Округ Пулковский меридиан · 2014 tips and reviews

KseniKseni: Worst airport ever - no service, impolite staff, awful cafes.

The Kazan Cathedral is one of Russia.

29. The Kazan Cathedral

(Казанский собор)
Казанская пл., 2 (Казанская ул.), Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Church · Округ № 78 · 160 tips and reviews

NeKiPiSHuiNeKiPiSHui: The cathedral is right in the centre and has free entrance, so there is no reason to skip a visit. You'll see some orthodox traditions, as people come here to light candles and pray to the icons.

Saint Isaac's Cathedral is one of Russia.

30. Saint Isaac's Cathedral

(Исаакиевский собор)
Исаакиевская пл., 4, Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Church · Адмиралтейский округ · 327 tips and reviews

FilmsquareFilmsquare: James Bond drives past St Isaac's Cathedral in a T-80BV (T-55) tank chasing Gen Ourumov in Goldeneye (1995). The tank used rubber tracks from a British Chieftain to protect the Russian streets. Read more.

Church of the Savior on the Spilled Blood is one of Russia.

31. Church of the Savior on the Spilled Blood

(Храм «Спас на Крови»)
наб. канала Грибоедова, 2Б, корп. А, Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Church · Дворцовый округ · 306 tips and reviews

Dmitry D.Dmitry Dwarf: - official site of 4th cathedrals.(St Isaac's Cathedral, Savior on the Spilled Blood, Smolny and St Sampson's Cathedral ) No online tickets. 250 Rub-day, 350rub-night time.

Hermitage Museum is one of Russia.

32. Hermitage Museum

Дворцовая наб., 34 (Дворцовая пл.), Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Art Museum · 1105 tips and reviews

Sony Xperia™ FootballSony Xperia™ Football: There are more than 2.7 million exhibits on show, so feast your eyes!

The Catherine Palace is one of Russia.

33. The Catherine Palace

(Екатерининский дворец)
Екатерининский парк (Садовая ул., 7), Пушкин, Санкт-Петербург
Palace · 199 tips and reviews

XandeXande: Incredible!! VERY beautiful and rich interior!

Peterhof Museum Reserve is one of Russia.

34. Peterhof Museum Reserve

(Музей-заповедник «Петергоф»)
Разводная ул., 2 (Санкт-Петербургский просп.), Петергоф, Санкт-Петербург
History Museum · 443 tips and reviews

NeKiPiSHuiNeKiPiSHui: Famous for its fountains, parks and the overly golden palace, the tsar's summer residence is best to visit at summer, when the fountains are working and you can walk around in the park.

Tretyakov Gallery is one of Russia.

35. Tretyakov Gallery

(Третьяковская галерея)
Лаврушинский пер., 10 (Большой Толмачёвский пер.), Москва, Москва
Art Museum · Якиманка · 527 tips and reviews

WowMoscowWowMoscow: A gem of Russian Art, the State Tretyakov Gallery hosts a collection of famous Russian icons and masterpieces by world known Russian artists Repin, Vrubel, Kandinsky, Malevich and others.

Leningradsky Railway Terminal (ZKD) is one of Russia.

36. Leningradsky Railway Terminal (ZKD)

(Ленинградский вокзал)
Комсомольская пл., 3, Москва, Москва
Rail Station · Красносельский · 876 tips and reviews

Russian RailwaysRussian Railways: The oldest railway station in Moscow and a twin of the Moskovsky railway station in St.Petersburg.

Peter and Paul Fortress is one of Russia.

37. Peter and Paul Fortress

(Петропавловская крепость)
Заячий о., Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Historic and Protected Site · Округ Кронверкское · 426 tips and reviews

NeKiPiSHuiNeKiPiSHui: You can walk around the fortress or visit some of the many small museums there, such as the cosmonaut museum or the bastion prison. Surprisingly, there are actually people still living on the island.

Church of the Savior on the Spilled Blood is one of Russia.

38. Church of the Savior on the Spilled Blood

(Храм «Спас на Крови»)
наб. канала Грибоедова, 2Б, корп. А, Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Church · Дворцовый округ · 306 tips and reviews

Luciana C.Luciana Cerqueira: This is one of the most impressive churches I have ever seen!!! Absolutely amazing!

39. Moscow

City · 198 tips and reviews

Anna O.Anna Orlenok: Moscow is a wonder where you can start to discover Russia. Just be possitive in thinking and you'll be able to take up the energy of the city

40. Courtyard Moscow Paveletskaya

Кожевническая ул., 8, стр. 3 (Летниковская ул.), Москва, Москва
Hotel · Замоскворечье · 53 tips and reviews

Валерий Л.Валерий Лелюк: Very beautiful hotel grounds, where Is located a few others. Here's my favorite Torro Grill, which is also located on the Lesnaya st. as a very beautiful area. Perfect!

Courtyard by Marriott is one of Russia.

41. Courtyard by Marriott

Вознесенский пер., 7, Москва, Москва
Hotel · Пресненский · 64 tips and reviews

Elena R.Elena Rodríguez Hernández: Good place!!!!!!

El Gaucho is one of Russia.

42. El Gaucho

(Эль Гаучо)
ул. Зацепский Вал, 6, Москва, Москва
Argentinian Restaurant · Замоскворечье · 144 tips and reviews

Dmitry “mff” M.Dmitry “mff” Malov: Haven't seen a better steak-house in Moscow (yet)

Paulaner Brauhaus is one of Russia.

43. Paulaner Brauhaus

Шлюзовая наб., 2/1, стр. 1, Москва, Москва
Brewery · Замоскворечье · 465 tips and reviews

Ozgur Y.Ozgur Yoral: Good wiener schnitzel. Good beer. Free wifi. Average prices according to the moscow standards. Service is good. Very good interier design

The Konstantin Palace (The National Congress Palace) is one of Russia.

44. The Konstantin Palace (The National Congress Palace)

(Константиновский дворец (Дворец конгрессов))
Берёзовая ал., 3, Стрельна, Санкт-Петербург
Palace · 65 tips and reviews

The White HouseThe White House: President Obama participated in his 7th G-20 and consulted with Leaders of the world’s largest economies on their shared interest in growth, job creation and financial stability. Read more.

People’s Friendship Fountain is one of Russia.

46. People’s Friendship Fountain

(Фонтан «Дружба народов»)
ВДНХ, Москва, Москва
Fountain · Останкинский · 73 tips and reviews

Maxim M.Maxim Matveyko: Nice place to visit late spring and summer.

Лужков мост is one of Russia.

47. Лужков мост

Болотная пл. (Кадашевская наб.), Москва, Москва
Bridge · Якиманка · 38 tips and reviews

MikeMike: it is the same bridge in Paris (Pont des Arts), but with the charm of Russia! Love it ))) Merci @Marina / Спасибо марина )))

metro Mayakovskaya is one of Russia.

48. metro Mayakovskaya

(Метро Маяковская)
Тверская ул. (Триумфальная пл.), Москва, Москва
Metro Station · Тверской · 65 tips and reviews

Hendy O.Hendy Ongkodjojo: In my view, the most beautiful subway stations in Moscow. Absolutely gorgeous.

Lenin's Mausoleum is one of Russia.

49. Lenin's Mausoleum

(Мавзолей В. И. Ленина)
Красная пл., Москва, Москва
Museum · Красная площадь · 96 tips and reviews

GarikTravelsGarikTravels: Lenin is still there - believe it or not. A bit scary yet worth visiting... however this experience is not for everyone.

GUM is one of Russia.

50. GUM

Красная пл., 3, Москва, Москва
Shopping Mall · Китай-город · 1024 tips and reviews

GarikTravelsGarikTravels: One of the fanciest department stores in Moscow. Located right on the Red Square. Check out Gastronom N1 - grocery store with a great variety of Russian foods. It's on the ground floor

(VDNKh) Vystavka Dostizheniy Narodnogo Khozyaystva is one of Russia.

51. (VDNKh) Vystavka Dostizheniy Narodnogo Khozyaystva

(ВДНХ (Выставка достижений народного хозяйства))
просп. Мира, 119, Москва, Москва
Park · Останкинский · 817 tips and reviews

Gunel B.Gunel Bagirzadeh: Great on non working days:)

Mariinsky Theatre is one of Russia.

52. Mariinsky Theatre

(Мариинский театр)
Театральная пл., 1 (ул. Глинки), Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Opera House · Адмиралтейский округ · 519 tips and reviews

NeKiPiSHuiNeKiPiSHui: The best classical ballet ever! Somebody has said that in Mariinsky even the dancers fingertips are strictly controlled.

Mariinsky Theatre II is one of Russia.

53. Mariinsky Theatre II

(Мариинский театр. Вторая сцена)
ул. Декабристов, 34 (ул. Глинки), Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Opera House · Округ Коломна · 539 tips and reviews

Julia B.Julia Balachonskaya: Ну и где обещанные синхронные субтитры к итальянским операм?Техническая сторона пока страдает!

54. Баклажан

ТРК «Галерея» (Лиговский просп., 30А), Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Middle Eastern Restaurant · Округ Лиговка-Ямская · 1183 tips and reviews

PereperchiliPereperchili: Nice restaurant in Galeria near Moskovskiy train station. Oriental and caucasian cuisine mostly. Fresh juices are great!

Nevsky Prospect is one of Russia.

55. Nevsky Prospect

(Невский проспект)
Невский просп., Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Road · Владимирский округ · 318 tips and reviews

ClaasClaas: Most needed phrase here: "njet spassibo" ('no thanks'). Learn that and you'll get around quite easy...

56. Palace Square

(Дворцовая площадь)
Дворцовая пл. (Невский просп.), Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Plaza · Исторический центр · 519 tips and reviews

Stepan C.Stepan Chizhov: The whole historic center of Saint-Petersburg is a UNESCO World Heritage Site along with some of suburbs

Vosstaniya Square is one of Russia.

57. Vosstaniya Square

(Площадь Восстания)
пл. Восстания, Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Plaza · Округ Смольнинское · 238 tips and reviews

Oleg A.Oleg Anisimov: Translation of the title: Leningrad is a Hero City

Beach of Peter and Paul Fortress is one of Russia.

58. Beach of Peter and Paul Fortress

(Пляж Петропавловской крепости)
Заячий остров, Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Beach · Округ Кронверкское · 74 tips and reviews

NeKiPiSHuiNeKiPiSHui: The beach of Peter and Paul Fortress serves at summers as a place for sunbathing, sand sculptures and movie festival.

Galeria Shopping Mall is one of Russia.

59. Galeria Shopping Mall

(ТРЦ «Галерея»)
Лиговский просп., З0а (пл. Восстания), Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Shopping Mall · Округ Лиговка-Ямская · 1486 tips and reviews

Maria K.Maria Kotova-Benelfoul: Huge huge huge. Baklajan restaurant is a very good one. H&M is amazing

Bronze Horseman is one of Russia.

60. Bronze Horseman

(Медный всадник)
Адмиралтейская наб., 16 (пл. Декабристов), Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Monument · Адмиралтейский округ · 86 tips and reviews

John B.John Boyer: Check out Peter. Word on the street is he is really Great. Like Frosted Flakes.

Eliseevs Merchants' Shop is one of Russia.

61. Eliseevs Merchants' Shop

(Магазин купцов Елисеевых)
Невский просп., 56 (Малая Садовая ул.), Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Gourmet Store · Дворцовый округ · 542 tips and reviews

Hendy O.Hendy Ongkodjojo: Everything from eclairs to macarons to caviars to choc-iars to Beluga vodkas are available here. Heaven for foodies alike. Highly recommended.

Alexander Park is one of Russia.

62. Alexander Park

(Александровский парк)
Кронверкский просп. (Кронверская наб.), Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Park · Округ Кронверкское · 143 tips and reviews

Bob R.Bob Rutledge: See the collection of ~8 human scale brass models of monuments from around St Petersburg.

Aleksandrovskiy Garden is one of Russia.

63. Aleksandrovskiy Garden

(Александровский сад)
Манежная ул., Москва, Москва
Park · Манежная площадь · 248 tips and reviews

InterContinental Hotels & ResortsInterContinental Hotels & Resorts: Fifth stop of your Perfect Day: as the Kremlin Clock’s bell tolling, head to Alexander Garden to catch the ceremonial changing of the guards at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Read more.

64. Field of Mars

(Марсово поле)
Марсово поле, Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Plaza · Марсово поле · 265 tips and reviews

Михаил Г.Михаил Горемыкин: mast see in St. Pete I love to see panoramic

65. Stockmann

ТК «Невский Центр» (Невский просп., 114-116), Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Department Store · Литейный округ · 662 tips and reviews

Hendy O.Hendy Ongkodjojo: Love the food hall at Стокманн / Stockmann, great range of freshly baked pastries, salad and hot food and also a large selection of everyday grocery items.

Saint Isaac’s Square is one of Russia.

66. Saint Isaac’s Square

(Исаакиевская площадь)
Исаакиевская пл., Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Plaza · Адмиралтейский округ · 205 tips and reviews

HistagramHistagram: The Monument to Nicholas I is aligned with the statue of the Bronze Horseman, and are almost an identical distance from Saint Isaac's Cathedral [photo: 1900].

Москва is one of Russia.

67. Москва

ТК «Невский Центр» (Невский просп., 114-116), Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Eastern European Restaurant · Литейный округ · 1345 tips and reviews

Matej K.Matej Kracun: superb view on Moskovski prospekt and Railway Station from the terrace, excellent service