Have a good time however we locals have changed the saying for those who get out of hand. Come here on vacation, go home on probation. Let's hope not !
[FOOD] Business Travelers looking for coconut water and healthy snacks, there is a Whole Foods just outside McCarran Airport at 6689 Las Vegas Blvd. Stay Fit!
Airports need to realize that today's travelers need places to sit near electrical plugs. It's absurd that people have to sit on the floor in the walkways so they can charge their phones and laptops.
The new terminal was clearly built for much higher volumes of traffic, so it always feels like you're walking through an empty mall. Really confusing to switch between terminals with the shuttle
Get a job at MIT as a math professor. Recruit a team of your students an the guy from Across the Universe to become card counters for you and fly them here on weekends to win you money.
Always enjoy the sound of slot machines at the airport combined with the smell of last minute desperation to win back some losses before catching your flight out of Vegas... :)
be sure to tell the taxi driver the specific route you want to take - saying "don't take the freeway" won't prevent them from you being driven the long way.
One of my fave things to do here is pull out my tablet and stand near baggage claim and make fake limo driver name signs on it to mess with people & or friends :)