1. Grand Army Plaza

Flatbush Ave (Eastern Pkwy), Brooklyn, NY
Plaza · North Slope · 58 tips and reviews

City of New YorkCity of New York: The streets around Grand Army Plaza form the largest and busiest traffic circle in Brooklyn.

Central Park is one of NYC.

2. Central Park

59th to 110th St (btwn 5th Ave & Central Park W), New York, NY
Park · Central Park · 1837 tips and reviews

City of New YorkCity of New York: Did you know? The Park got its initial start in 1853, but the Central Park was not officially opened until the winter of 1859.

Prospect Park is one of NYC.

3. Prospect Park

Prospect Park W/SW (Flatbush Ave), Brooklyn, NY
Park · Prospect Park · 309 tips and reviews

City of New YorkCity of New York: Did you know? Prospect Park was designed by Frederick Law Olmstead and Calvert Vaux, who were the same architects responsible for Manhattan’s Central Park.

Marcus Garvey Park is one of NYC.

4. Marcus Garvey Park

Mt. Morris Park W & Madison Ave (btwn W 120th & W 124th St), New York, NY
Park · Central Harlem · 53 tips and reviews

City of New YorkCity of New York: Did you know? This cast-iron fire lookout tower is the only one of its type remaining in New York City. It was erected in 1855 as part of the city’s fire protection system.

Brooklyn Navy Yard is one of NYC.

5. Brooklyn Navy Yard

63 Flushing Ave (btwn Navy St & Clinton Ave), Brooklyn, NY
Historic and Protected Site · Brooklyn Navy Yard · 20 tips and reviews

City of New YorkCity of New York: One of Brooklyn’s premier economic engines since 1801, the Brooklyn Navy Yard is now home to BLDG 92, a fascinating exhibition space and visitor’s center that pays tribute to the Yard’s history.

Coney Island Beach & Boardwalk is one of NYC.

6. Coney Island Beach & Boardwalk

Riegelmann Boardwalk, Brooklyn, NY
Beach · Coney Island · 358 tips and reviews

City of New YorkCity of New York: Get a Coney Island Fun Map at for updated information about surrounding attractions.

Williamsburg Bridge is one of NYC.

7. Williamsburg Bridge

Williamsburg Bridge, Brooklyn, NY
Bridge · 202 tips and reviews

City of New YorkCity of New York: The Williamsburg Bridge was the first bridge with all-steel towers. The 310-foot steel towers support four cables, each measuring 18 inches in diameter and weighing 4,344 tons!

Heritage Field is one of NYC.

8. Heritage Field

800 East 161st St. (River Ave), Bronx, NY
Baseball Field · Concourse Village · 3 tips and reviews

City of New YorkCity of New York: In the footprint of the old Yankee Stadium, Heritage Field is the largest of the new and renovated parks to be built as part of the Yankee Stadium Area Redevelopment Project.

Manhattan Bridge is one of NYC.

9. Manhattan Bridge

Manhattan Bridge, New York, NY
Bridge · 229 tips and reviews

City of New YorkCity of New York: Construction on the Manhattan Bridge began in 1896. At the time, it was the longest suspension bridge in the world!

Parachute Jump is one of NYC.

10. Parachute Jump

1601-1899 Boardwalk W, Brooklyn, NY
Monument · Coney Island · 8 tips and reviews

City of New YorkCity of New York: This joyride hasn’t operated since 1964, but it’s one of Brooklyn’s most recognizable landmarks. Originally built for the 1939 World’s Fair, it simulated a parachute-guided leap for 40 cents.