Mark our regular, is health conscious & his biceps speak volumes. In honoring Mark as a friend, Gypsy@Rawai BBQ is giving a fruit shake NO sugar( Mark's way) for every diner. Offer from 11am to 2pm
GYPSY@RAWAI BBQ is offering a free shake of your choice of the available flavors for every table. Log in at Foursquare with a picture to claim. Offer valid from 5-7pm
Gypsy@Rawai BBQ is offering a 30% discount on your cooking service just for the live Lobster. Log in at Foursquare to claim. Offer is valid from 7-8pm today.
The fisherman just brought their fish and prawns.We are talking about really fresh stuff here. Come over to enjoy a 15% discount on any fish or prawns that you steamed
Very overpriced place for it quality. For example 200b for just steamed vegetables(no chicken or pork included) when average price on island is 40-60b. Also 1kg of fish was cooked for 180b.
Сюда можно принести купленные напротив свежайшие морепродукты и вам посоветуют как их приготовить. Готовят быстро и вкусно. Бокалы для пива все время меняют, чтобы оно оставалось холодным! Рекомендую!
Шумно, душно (большая часть вентиляторов не работает), один принимающий заказ официант , готовят долго , невкусно и неоправданно дорого. Дети остались голодные ! Нет одноразовых палочек. В общем - фуу