Nazi architecture and World War II in Berlin
Flughafen Berlin Tempelhof is one of Nazi architecture and World War II in Berlin.

1. Flughafen Berlin Tempelhof

Platz der Luftbrücke, Berlin, Berlin
Historic and Protected Site · Tempelhofer Feld · 71 tips and reviews

Martin J.Martin Januszewski: Next to this place General Helmuth Weidling, signed in the command post of Colonel-General Chuikov on Schulenburgring 2, the unconditional surrender of German troops in Berlin in May 2nd, 1945.

Topography of Terror is one of Nazi architecture and World War II in Berlin.

2. Topography of Terror

(Topographie des Terrors)
Niederkirchnerstr. 8 (Wilhelmstr.), Berlin, Berlin
History Museum · Kreuzberg · 233 tips and reviews

Ching S.Ching S: Very informative panels illustrating the atrocities carried out by the Nazis. Depressing place. A must visit in Berlin for those who wants to know more.

Abgeordnetenhaus von Berlin is one of Nazi architecture and World War II in Berlin.

3. Abgeordnetenhaus von Berlin

Niederkirchnerstr. 5, Berlin, Berlin
Capitol Building · Potsdamer Platz · 11 tips and reviews

Martin J.Martin Januszewski: former "Haus der Flieger", a kind of home of Hermann Göring

Memorial to Homosexuals Persecuted under Nazism is one of Nazi architecture and World War II in Berlin.

4. Memorial to Homosexuals Persecuted under Nazism

(Denkmal für die im Nationalsozialismus verfolgten Homosexuellen)
Großer Tiergarten (Ebertstr.), Berlin, Berlin
Memorial Site · Friedrichstadt · 7 tips and reviews
Führerbunker is one of Nazi architecture and World War II in Berlin.

5. Führerbunker

Gertrud-Kolmar-Str. (In den Ministergärten), Berlin, Berlin
Historic and Protected Site · Friedrichstadt · 26 tips and reviews

Martin J.Martin Januszewski: The Führerbunker (English: "Leader's bunker") was an air-raid shelter located near the Reich Chancellery. It was the last of the Führer Headquarters (Führerhauptquartiere) to be used by Adolf Hitler.

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe is one of Nazi architecture and World War II in Berlin.

6. Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

(Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas)
Cora-Berliner-Str. 1 (Hannah-Arendt-Str.), Berlin, Berlin
Monument · Friedrichstadt · 324 tips and reviews

mariamaria: The Holocaust Memorial, officially named the Monument to the Murdered Jews in Europe, can be visited at anytime – night or day.Architec: Peter Eisenman

Brandenburg Gate is one of Nazi architecture and World War II in Berlin.

7. Brandenburg Gate

(Brandenburger Tor)
Pariser Platz (Platz des 18. März), Berlin, Berlin
Monument · Unter den Linden · 534 tips and reviews

Best Western Central EuropeBest Western Central Europe: The most famous landmark in Berlin is a MUST see. At night it looks particularly pretty.

Soviet War Memorial Tiergarten is one of Nazi architecture and World War II in Berlin.

8. Soviet War Memorial Tiergarten

(Sowjetisches Ehrenmal Tiergarten)
Straße des 17. Juni, Berlin, Berlin
Monument · Tiergarten · 27 tips and reviews
Memorial to the Sinti and Roma of Europe Murdered under National Socialism is one of Nazi architecture and World War II in Berlin.

9. Memorial to the Sinti and Roma of Europe Murdered under National Socialism

(Denkmal für die im Nationalsozialismus ermordeten Sinti und Roma Europas)
Simsonweg (Scheidemannstr.), Berlin, Berlin
Memorial Site · Unter den Linden · 11 tips and reviews

10. Reichstag

Platz der Republik 1, Berlin, Berlin
Capitol Building · Dorotheenstadt · 376 tips and reviews

Danielle N.Danielle Neufeld: Very cool inside; the mirrors look amazing as you climb up the spiral. Great views from the top of the dome!

Victory Column is one of Nazi architecture and World War II in Berlin.

11. Victory Column

Großer Stern (Straße des 17. Juni), Berlin, Berlin
Monument · Tiergarten · 165 tips and reviews This historical monument at the center of Berlin was built to commemorate the Prussian victory in the Danish-Prussian War. Go to the observatory for amazing city views. Opens at 9:30am.

Bebelplatz is one of Nazi architecture and World War II in Berlin.

12. Bebelplatz

Bebelplatz (Unter den Linden), Berlin, Berlin
Plaza · Unter den Linden · 24 tips and reviews

Martin J.Martin Januszewski: is known as the site of the infamous Nazi book burning ceremony held in the evening of May 10, 1933 by members of the SA, SS, Nazi students and Hitler Youth groups.

Heavy Load-Bearing Body is one of Nazi architecture and World War II in Berlin.

13. Heavy Load-Bearing Body

General-Pape-Str. (Loewenhardtdamm), Berlin, Berlin
Monument · Tempelhof · 5 tips and reviews

Martin J.Martin Januszewski: It was built to study the feasibility of constructing a massive triumphal arch on the site, and of constructing large buildings on the area's sandy ground in general. (Welthauptstadt Germania)

14. Karlshorst

Berlin, Berlin
Neighborhood · 4 tips and reviews

Martin J.Martin Januszewski: Deutsch-Russisches Museum is located at the historical venue of the unconditional surrender of the German armed forces (Wehrmacht) on 8 May 1945. With this act World War II came to an end in Europe.

Olympiastadion is one of Nazi architecture and World War II in Berlin.

15. Olympiastadion

Olympischer Platz 3, Berlin, Berlin
Soccer Stadium · Pichelsberg · 134 tips and reviews

Martin J.Martin Januszewski: war created by Werner March for the 1936 Summer Olympics in Germany.

House of the Wannsee Conference is one of Nazi architecture and World War II in Berlin.

16. House of the Wannsee Conference

(Haus der Wannsee-Konferenz)
Am Großen Wannsee 56-58, Berlin, Berlin
History Museum · Wannsee · 16 tips and reviews

Martin J.Martin Januszewski: The Wannsee Conference was a meeting of senior officials of the Nazi German regime, held on 20 January 1942. The purpose of the conference was to discuss Final Solution policies for Jews.

Memorial and Museum Sachsenhausen is one of Nazi architecture and World War II in Berlin.

17. Memorial and Museum Sachsenhausen

(Gedenkstätte und Museum Sachsenhausen)
Straße der Nationen 22, Oranienburg, Brandenburg
Memorial Site · 79 tips and reviews

Martin J.Martin Januszewski: Nazi concentration camp in Oranienburg, Germany, used primarily for political prisoners from 1936 to the end of the Third Reich in May 1945.

Mahnmal Columbia-Haus is one of Nazi architecture and World War II in Berlin.

18. Mahnmal Columbia-Haus

Columbiadamm (Golßener Str.), Berlin, Berlin
Monument · Tempelhofer Feld · No tips or reviews