[Tokyo] Lost in Translation
Tsukiji Market is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

1. Tsukiji Market

築地5-2-1, 東京, 東京都
Market · 築地 · 269 tips and reviews

George J.George Joseph: Get here well before 4:30am to see the tuna auctions. Note: Trains don't run at this time + they only take a limited amount of people so getting here earlier is better. Once in a lifetime experience!

Daiwa Sushi is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

2. Daiwa Sushi

築地5-2-1 (魚がし横丁6号館), 東京, 東京都
Sushi Restaurant · 築地 · 89 tips and reviews

George J.George Joseph: If you're not sure what to get, go for the 'omakase'. ¥3500 for some of the freshest, best sushi you'll ever have. The uni and o-toro are favourites. Ditch Sushi Dai (next door) and come here instead!

Sukiyabashi Jiro is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

3. Sukiyabashi Jiro

銀座4-2-15 (塚本総業ビル B1F), 東京, 東京都
Sushi Restaurant · 銀座 · 38 tips and reviews

CezaryCezary: see the documentary on Netflix and come here to achieve umami (while Jiro is still alive!). resos open on the 1st of the month for the following month, taken only in Japanese. Jiro = sushi perfection.

Shibuya Crossing is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

4. Shibuya Crossing

道玄坂2/宇田川町/神南1 (井の頭通り), 渋谷区, 東京都
Intersection · 126 tips and reviews
Yodobashi-Akiba is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

5. Yodobashi-Akiba

(ヨドバシカメラ マルチメディアAkiba)
神田花岡町1-1, 東京, 東京都
Electronics Store · 秋葉原 · 180 tips and reviews

Łukasz K.Łukasz Korecki: Huge, huge electronics store. Everything from mobile chargers to tripods and mechanical keyboards

Rokurinsha is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

6. Rokurinsha

丸の内1-9-1 (東京駅一番街 B1F 東京ラーメンストリート), 千代田区, 東京都
Ramen Restaurant · 164 tips and reviews

Jeremy F.Jeremy Fisher: RT @davidchang: i think the best ramen in world is the tsukemen at Rokurinsha in Tokyo. the only ramen i'd queue up for. Read more.

La Jetée is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

7. La Jetée

歌舞伎町1-1-8 (あかるい花園三番街 2F), 新宿区, 東京都
Cocktail Bar · 13 tips and reviews

Juston P.Juston Payne: Phenomenally intimate bar in a phenomenally cool area. Both the sake and whisky were fantastic, as was the conversation with other patrons. If you're having trouble finding it, look for this sign.

Meiji Jingu Shrine is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

8. Meiji Jingu Shrine

代々木神園町1-1, 東京, 東京都
Shrine · 明治神宮 · 223 tips and reviews

Jon S.Jon Steinback: Go on a weekday day! There is nobody there and it's quite fantastic.

New York Grill is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

9. New York Grill

西新宿3-7-1-2 (パークハイアット東京 52F), 新宿区, 東京都
American Restaurant · 42 tips and reviews

Brice C.Brice Challamel: Kobe beef here is the best you will ever experience outside of Kobe... And even inside maybe! ;)

Golden Brown is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

10. Golden Brown

神宮前4-12-10 (表参道ヒルズ 3F), 東京, 東京都
Burger Joint · 神宮前 · 29 tips and reviews

Vicky N.Vicky Ng: Must try Golden Brown Burger!! But it's not served during lunch hour

Nezu Museum is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

11. Nezu Museum

南青山6-5-1, 東京, 東京都
Art Museum · 青山 · 89 tips and reviews

Silvia BesSilvia Bes: The best thing is the big and beautiful japanese garden behind the museum, a refreshing and "accurately wild" oasis during summer.

Roppongi Hills is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

12. Roppongi Hills

六本木6-10-1, 港区, 東京都
Shopping Mall · 89 tips and reviews

TB B.TB BASCH: Could Easily Spend A Whole Day Exploring This MiniCity Retail Complex...

Daikanyama T-SITE is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

13. Daikanyama T-SITE

猿楽町16-15, 渋谷区, 東京都
Shopping Mall · 46 tips and reviews

Brandon L.Brandon Lee: This is the future of offline book retail. Maybe retail in general.

AFURI is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.


恵比寿1-1-7 (117ビル 1F), 東京, 東京都
Ramen Restaurant · 恵比寿 · 157 tips and reviews

Mona N.Mona Nomura: Yuzu ramen, with fatty broth (second left button from the top). Don't forget the extra cha-shu.

Midori is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

15. Midori

道玄坂1-12-3 (渋谷マークシティ イースト 4F), 東京, 東京都
Sushi Restaurant · 道玄坂 · 111 tips and reviews

Eliane F.Eliane Fiolet: Very good Sushi located on the 4th floor of the Shibuya Mark City building just above the Shibuya Station (Hachiko exit) There is always a line...

Streamer Coffee Company is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

16. Streamer Coffee Company

渋谷1-20-28, 渋谷区, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 103 tips and reviews

Toby P.Toby Phipps: Fantastic coffee, simple un-pretentious decor, lots of laptop power and fast WiFi (password = HiroshiSawada). Did I mention the incredible, smooth coffee? 2008 Seattle Latte Art champion.

Cupnoodles Museum is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

17. Cupnoodles Museum

中区新港2-3-4, 横浜市, 神奈川県
Museum · みなとみらい21 · 73 tips and reviews

Kirill S.Kirill Solovjov: A very cool museum devoted to the inventor of instant noodles, Momofuku Ando. Design your own noodles' taste and package, and take the result home - or enjoy the world noodle varieties at the cafe!

Watari Museum of Contemporary Art is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

18. Watari Museum of Contemporary Art

神宮前3-7-6, 東京, 東京都
Art Museum · 神宮前 · 22 tips and reviews
Sumida Aquarium is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

19. Sumida Aquarium

押上1-1-2 (東京ソラマチ 5F-6F), 東京, 東京都
Aquarium · 押上 · 92 tips and reviews
Tokyo Skytree Station (TS02) is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

20. Tokyo Skytree Station (TS02)

押上1-1-4 (東武スカイツリーライン), 東京, 東京都
Rail Station · 押上 · 26 tips and reviews

Priscilla Y.Priscilla Yeo: Go in the evening during the golden hour and watch the sunset. Then wait for the sky to turn dark and the city ligjts to light up. That way, you get to see 2different sights with one ticket.

Imperial Palace is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

21. Imperial Palace

千代田1-1, 東京, 東京都
Palace · 皇居 · 123 tips and reviews

ToryBurchToryBurch: The awe-inspiring main residence of Japan's emperor. Apply online in advance for a guided tour.

HIGASHI-YAMA Tokyo is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.


東山1-21-25, 東京, 東京都
Japanese Restaurant · 上目黒 · 23 tips and reviews

Andreas C.Andreas Cohen: Absolutely amazing Japanese cuisine here in a cozy elegant ambiance. Just let them serve you their multi-course menu. No need to decide

Ryogoku Kokugikan is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

23. Ryogoku Kokugikan

横網1-3-28, 東京, 東京都
Stadium · 両国 · 76 tips and reviews
Yoyogi Park is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

24. Yoyogi Park

代々木神園町/神南2, 東京, 東京都
Park · 明治神宮 · 156 tips and reviews

Jon S.Jon Steinback: On a Sunday, swing through and see the Dancing Elvises (Elvi?) and wander down towards the Harajuku entrance from some Harajuku girls. Good Okonomiyaki from street vendors, too!

Mori Art Museum is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

25. Mori Art Museum

六本木6-10-1 (六本木ヒルズ森タワー 53F), 東京, 東京都
Art Museum · 六本木 · 130 tips and reviews
Starbucks is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

26. Starbucks

宇田川町21-6 (QFRONT 1F-2F SHIBUYA TSUTAYA), 東京, 東京都
Coffee Shop · 宇田川町 · 129 tips and reviews

Benedict C.Benedict Corpuz: Since movie filming permits are not granted in Japan, the crew for 'Lost in Translation' had to shoot the Shibuya crossing scene guerrilla-style from the second floor, through the window.

TsuruTonTan is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

27. TsuruTonTan

六本木3-14-12 (六本木3丁目ビル), 東京, 東京都
Udon Restaurant · 六本木 · 97 tips and reviews

kim l.kim l: The best udon with regard to flavour and quality of ingredients I've ever had! Yummooo!

MUJI is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

28. MUJI

新宿3-15-15 (新宿ピカデリー 2F-B1F), 新宿区, 東京都
Clothing Store · 17 tips and reviews

SonyMobileWTA M.SonyMobileWTA Manager: Muji is known as the no-brand designer. The big outlet in Tokyo has everything from women's and men's clothes to accessories in an eco friendly style.

UNIQLO is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.


銀座6-9-5 (ギンザコマツ 東館 1F-12F), 東京, 東京都
Clothing Store · 銀座 · 105 tips and reviews

Kevin F.Kevin Fink: Largest Uniqlo in the world. 12 floors of very cool clothes.

PRADA is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.


南青山5-2-6, 東京, 東京都
Boutique · 青山 · 17 tips and reviews

Alex M.Alex Mironesco: Reminds me of the Allianz Arena football stadium in Munich, by the same excellent architects.

Isetan is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

31. Isetan

(伊勢丹 新宿店)
新宿3-14-1, 新宿区, 東京都
Department Store · 153 tips and reviews

mark h.mark hull: Gaijin tip. Go to first floor to the food department. 100% awesomeness. Makes Harrods in London look like chumps.

Kaikaya is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

32. Kaikaya

(開花屋 by the sea)
円山町23-7, 渋谷区, 東京都
Seafood Restaurant · 76 tips and reviews

Mehdi H.Mehdi Hakah: Excellent restaurant, great hospitality and a truly culinary journey!

Kaminarimon Gate is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

33. Kaminarimon Gate

浅草2-3-1 (浅草寺), 東京, 東京都
Monument · 浅草 · 131 tips and reviews

Meredith P.Meredith Peruzzi: Enjoy the shopping arcades between the gate and the Senso-ji Temple.

Tokyo Tower is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

34. Tokyo Tower

芝公園4-2-8, 東京, 東京都
Monument · 芝公園 · 283 tips and reviews

Jon S.Jon Steinback: Japanese people will remind you that's it's 13m taller than the Eiffel Tower. Take that, France!

Nakamise Shopping Street is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

35. Nakamise Shopping Street

浅草1, 東京, 東京都
Shopping Plaza · 浅草 · 35 tips and reviews
Cat Cafe Calico is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

36. Cat Cafe Calico

(猫カフェ きゃりこ)
歌舞伎町1-16-2 (富士ビル 5F-6F), 東京, 東京都
Pet Café · 歌舞伎町 · 27 tips and reviews

George J.George Joseph: 50 cats. 2 floors. Ca(n)t get better!

The Great Burger is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

37. The Great Burger

神宮前6-12-5 (原宿新天地 1F), 東京, 東京都
Burger Joint · 神宮前 · 116 tips and reviews

George J.George Joseph: Possibly the best burger you'll get in Tokyo. Don't forget to have the skinny fries!

FUGLEN TOKYO is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.


富ヶ谷1-16-11, 渋谷区, 東京都
Café · 178 tips and reviews

Alper Ç.Alper Çuğun: This place offers all of the good things Scandinavia is known for: wood based interior design, excellent coffee, a wide selection of craft beer and spectacular cocktails.

Robot Restaurant is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

39. Robot Restaurant

歌舞伎町1-7-1 (新宿ロボットビル B2F), 東京, 東京都
Theme Restaurant · 歌舞伎町 · 157 tips and reviews
Takeshita Street is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

40. Takeshita Street

神宮前1, 東京, 東京都
Road · 原宿 · 110 tips and reviews
Tsutaya Books is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

41. Tsutaya Books

(代官山 蔦屋書店)
猿楽町17-5 (代官山T-SITE), 渋谷区, 東京都
Bookstore · Daikanyama · 187 tips and reviews
Gyukatsu Motomura is one of [Tokyo] Lost in Translation.

42. Gyukatsu Motomura

(牛かつ もと村)
渋谷3-18-10 (大野ビル2号館 B1F), 渋谷区, 東京都
Japanese Restaurant · 渋谷区 · 78 tips and reviews