Vice Versa Hotel is one of paris.

1. Vice Versa Hotel

213 rue de la Croix-Nivert, Paris, Île-de-France
Hotel · Saint-Lambert · 4 tips and reviews

Paris AéroportParis Aéroport: An ultra-glamorous décor designed by Chantal Thomass : sensual worlds and designed frisky furniture, accessories and wallpapers for the 37 rooms.

Bigarrade is one of paris.

2. Bigarrade

106 rue Nollet, Paris, Île-de-France
French Restaurant · Batignolles · 7 tips and reviews

Paris AéroportParis Aéroport: There's no menu: From behind his counter, facing the room, Yasuhiro Kanayama, once with Le Bistrol and known for his aesthetically presented dishes, creates a lovely dinner of eight inspired courses.

Le Burgundy is one of paris.

3. Le Burgundy

6-8 rue Duphot, Paris, Île-de-France
Hotel · Place Vendôme · 23 tips and reviews

Paris AéroportParis Aéroport: When the pastry cart brimming with the delightful creations of very talented pastry chef Yann Roofer rolls to your seat, the sumptuous sweets look like jewels under their Plexiglas lids.

Compagnie des Vins Surnaturels is one of paris.

4. Compagnie des Vins Surnaturels

7 rue Lobineau, Paris, Île-de-France
Wine Bar · Odéon · 59 tips and reviews

Paris AéroportParis Aéroport: It's a nouveau genre wine bar that's 300 labels strong. Somewhere between family home and boudoir. Served with the "supernatural" wines are hearty dishes like cooked ham with truffle or aged cheeses.