197 Bleecker St (btwn 6th Ave & MacDougal St), New York, NY
Record Store · Greenwich Village · 14 tips and reviews
VH1: Browse through the stacks of CDs, admire the album artwork, and if you still won’t spend more than $10, there are always some gems in their 3 for $10 clearance bin. - Jim Shearer, Top 20 Countdown
Broadway & 7th Ave (btwn W 42nd & 47th St), New York, NY
Plaza · Theater District · 2355 tips and reviews
VH1: This is our home turf! Look up at 1515 Broadway (the building with crown...or devil horns) and wave at VH1. If you're hungry, the best pizza slice in the area is on 43rd btw 7th and 8th at Bella Vita!
239 W 52nd St (btwn Broadway & 8th Ave), New York, NY
Music Venue · Theater District · 105 tips and reviews
VH1: One of my favorite places to watch a show in NYC. We also taped many episodes of MTV2’s Subterranean down in its basement, including one with Radiohead. - Jim Shearer, Top 20 Countdown