Rheinsberger Str. 76/77 (Strelitzer Str.), Berlin, Berlin
Tech Startup · Mitte · 16 tips and reviews
David Noël: "Welcome to SoundCloud, it's awesome to have you here!" is the audio message recorded by our co-founder and CEO Alex. Find it as a giant waveform on the ceiling.
David Noël: Close to the Zoo, how not to love that their theme is "animals". Design and boutique done right, quite untacky, really. Wish it were in East Berlin.
David Noël: Lovely (and smaller compared to Mauerpark) neighborhoody flea market with a varied selection of vintage furniture, accessories, decor and vinyl records.
Glitch: 전체적으로 사용하는 몽키인형만 빼곤 힙하고 스타일리쉬한 호텔.지역 디자인 상품편집샵과 미팅룸,스넥바등이 로비에 있고 동물원옆에 위치하여 정글사우나와 몽키바컨셉으로 한 편의시설이 있음.무료사용가능한 자전거와 가방등이 항상 비치되어있음.동물원뷰가 시티뷰보다 아늑하고 조용.마감재 터프,얼터너티브한 공간구성 좋음.