Favorites in Bratislava
Old Town is one of Favorites in Bratislava.

1. Old Town

(Staré mesto)
Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Neighborhood · 29 tips and reviews

Ghazal N.Ghazal Nkz: Filled with good restaurants and good atmosphere ... You have to walk around all of it to sense the history and Bratislava

2. Old Town Hall

(Stará Radnica | Old Town Hall)
Radničná 1, Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Town Hall · Staré Mesto · 5 tips and reviews

Ghazal N.Ghazal Nkz: Go there and enjoy the atmosphere in different hours of a day

3. Slavín

Na Slavíne, Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Monument · Staré Mesto · 32 tips and reviews

Ghazal N.Ghazal Nkz: Well going there may be a little bit complicated but it is a must-see in Bratislava

Man at Work is one of Favorites in Bratislava.

4. Man at Work

Panská, Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Outdoor Sculpture · Staré Mesto · 29 tips and reviews

Ghazal N.Ghazal Nkz: A man with his secret, I loved this little statute .. Make sure to look for other statues in Bratislava

5. Bratislava Castle

(Bratislavský hrad)
Zámocká 2, Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
Castle · Staré Mesto · 131 tips and reviews

Ghazal N.Ghazal Nkz: Do not miss this amazing castle ... The museum still needs some improvements