"Just to warn you that even if you try to pass the gate even almost naked the contol might call a "Random check" it seems either they enjoy playing with your genetals or forget no 1 human right."
International Airport
· Θέρμη, Ελλάδα
6.0"Stranger welcome to Theologos. Translated Word of God in Greek language. Pure purest Stelios has his own farm. A true man and <<axio tekno tis patridos>>. Tasty food and a philosophys house is here"
"People are getting better... Fast, polite, they speek my mother tongue too!!!"
Border Crossing
· Preševo, Severna Makedonija
"Seems like the Swiss part of Balkans. Great nature divine food nice people are here. Must see the waterfall, and bridges"
"If you get in trouble try you embassy. Greek embassy they only congatulated me for my marrige they could not help hope yours is better. Anticorruption Phone: +381 11 3620 458,,, Phone: +387 33 839 203"
Border Crossing
· Preševo, Severna Makedonija
"Prepare for adventure. When ever I pass this boarders they make me feel like a drug dealer. Last time I paid 100 Euros tax for the wedding dress of me wife. As if I was plannig to sell it in Serbia."
Border Crossing
· Preševo, Severna Makedonija