Prepare yourself to be annoyed by the numerous golf carts driven all over the terminal... Keep ears open to deep voices warning you that they are about to run you over!
when leaving the airport heading towards the freeway, DO NOT take a right onto the feeder road, take a right at the signal, the feeder road goes on for like 15minutes, rite at signal = on ramp.
Best dining options are in Terminal E, although Terminal C has seen some recent improvement in that area. Food choices in Terminals A, B, and D are pretty sorry for the most part.And if you're on
This airport has been particularly strict about taking your quart sized plastic bad out of your baggage. May as well do it in advance to save the time spent re-screening.
I seriously miss Continental. United fucking sucks!!! Since the merger I have left and arrived late to every location. I am a HOUSTONIAN and I WANT CONTINENTAL BACK! Was all good until the merge.
When you pack light and don’t check a bag you have more mobility and travel options. If your fight gets delayed or you miss a connection it’s easier to be flexible.
This lady just snatched my friends phone from her hands got in her face trying 2 fight her. After she hit her husband. Then a guy came up and asked my husband if he wants to fight him 4 meFire her.
George Bush Intercontinental Airport is the 8th busiest airport in the U.S. and offers service to more Mexican destinations than any other airport in the nation.