A must visit if you want to find out more about the Soviet and German occupation between the 40s till 90s here in Lithuania (which you definitely should if you're traveling here).
Don't miss the prisonbasement. You may wish you did after being there but experiences like this is a solemn reminder what people can do to each other - and that we can't let it happen again.
Definitely worth to visit,to know better history of crimes of USSR and modern Russia (thank you for exhibition dedicated to the Ru-Ua war 2022).Atmosphere in the former execution room is terribly real
Don't leave Vilnius without visiting the old KGB building. The orgsnized horror, or how Lithuania was liberated from the Nazi's and underwent the same torture for 45 years.
A quality exhibition and a nicely planned-out storyline of genocide history in Lithuania. Real Russian KGB prison in the basement. An interesting sight for both locals and tourists!
No information about Lithuanians that collaborated with Nazis and the Soviets. This is a Genocide Museum but only a single small room is dedicated to Holocaust. A bit biased, i would say.
Очень интересная экспозиция, позволяет многое осмыслить и увидеть с другой стороны в советской истории. Все жёстко и без прекрас, иногда становится жутко. Обязательно для посещения для понимания Литвы
Сказать, что это место стоит посетить равно что ничего не сказать. Если вы решили посетить Вильнюс вы обязаны побывать здесь! Это реальность которая трогает до слёз и женщин, и мужчин.
Buvusiuose KGB rūmuose, penkiasdešimt metų buvo planuojami ir vykdomi sovietų nusikaltimai. Galima apžiūrėti buvusį KGB kalėjimą, mirties nuosprendžių vykdymo patalpą, šiuolaikines ekspozicijas. Read more
Muziejus įkurtas pastate, kuriame nuo 1940 m. iki pat 1991 m dirbo sovietinės represinės institucijos NKVD ir NKGB-MGB-KGB.
Museum is founded in the building where Soviet repressive institutions of NKVD and NKGB-MGB-KGB operated from 1940 right to August of 1991.