Best Places To Devastate Your Weekends.
Sulthan Battery Fort is one of Best Places To Devastate Your Weekends..

1. Sulthan Battery Fort

sulthan battery road, Mangalore, Karnātaka
Scenic Lookout · 6 tips and reviews

Bhuvith S.Bhuvith Shetty: Used to play cricket here! Memories now! :(

Tannirbavi Beach is one of Best Places To Devastate Your Weekends..

2. Tannirbavi Beach

Indian Oil Tank Farm (Bengre), Mangalore, Karnātaka
Beach · 21 tips and reviews

Bhuvith S.Bhuvith Shetty: Better place to be in the evenings.

Panambur Beach is one of Best Places To Devastate Your Weekends..

3. Panambur Beach

Mangalore, Karnātaka
Beach · 10 tips and reviews

Bhuvith S.Bhuvith Shetty: Known for Kite festivals :)

Manasa amusement and water park is one of Best Places To Devastate Your Weekends..

4. Manasa amusement and water park

Manasa Park Pilikula Nisargadhama Vamanjur Vamanjoor, Mangalore, Karnātaka
Water Park · 2 tips and reviews

Bhuvith S.Bhuvith Shetty: No way better than Mysore Fantasy park!

Kadri Park is one of Best Places To Devastate Your Weekends..

5. Kadri Park

Kadri, Mangalore, Karnātaka
Park · 9 tips and reviews
Bharath Mall is one of Best Places To Devastate Your Weekends..

6. Bharath Mall

opp K.S.R.T.C. bus stand (bejai), Mangalore, Karnātaka
Shopping Mall · 19 tips and reviews

Bhuvith S.Bhuvith Shetty: Big cinemas is its heart ;)

City Centre Mall is one of Best Places To Devastate Your Weekends..

7. City Centre Mall

K S Rao Road (Hampankatta), Mangalore, Karnātaka
Shopping Mall · 47 tips and reviews

Bhuvith S.Bhuvith Shetty: Shitty Center :/

Sultan Battery is one of Best Places To Devastate Your Weekends..

8. Sultan Battery

Sultan Battery (Boloor), Mangalore, Karnātaka
Scenic Lookout · 8 tips and reviews