Shopper's paradise.Popular esp w/tourists.B prepared 2Q@certain premium brand sections.No guarantee you'd get d attention of sales staff,esp when bus loads of rich mainland Chinese shoppers arrived!
Go to the roof top best place to get rest and enjoy the sun after shopping...take your favorite bite or there is a lovely bar serves F&B. Follow my snapchat for more👉 ashoooash
It's worth visiting but I couldn't shop here- it was too crowded and the brand spaces were smaller than I expected. Definitely prefer the department stores in neighboring country.
Obviously everyone stops here for the gorgeous stained glass dome ceiling. But not everyone knows you can go to the 7th floor (Terrace) and see a beautiful view of the city. Plus, it's free!
Chinatown in Paris. To the point where mandarin is like the second language spoken here. The moment an asian sales staff sees another asian they go like "ni hao". Which is bizarre. We're in Paris!!
The famous art nouveau interiors and the winning rooftop terrace view of Opéra Garnier and the Eiffel Tower - it's difficult to decide which I love more.
It's better to go there already knowing what you want cos it's not really the kinda place you'd want to wrestle people to browse through. Heaps of China tourists though, so go to the higher floors.
Be sure to attend the free weekly fashion show every Friday at the main Hausmann store on the 7th floor. Make a reservation at
Start in the main building and take in the amazing dome. Then head across to the Homme building (skyway on 1st floor) and go one floor up to the Gourmet department. Bliss.
This place is especially crazy during les soldes (semi annual sale). But all year long you'll see touristslining up to buy tax free (12% refund) designer goods like they're handing it out for free!
Here Pablo Picasso met (or it is better to say: picked up) a seventeen year old Marie-Thérèse Walter, who in 1935 give birth to his daughter. >> Find out more about the story in TravelbyArt iPhone app Read more
If u are a shoe whore...this is your pimp of all stores!!! OMGAH soooo many beautiful shoes!! The bag section upstairs is just as overwhelming!! Good luck & bring lots of Euro€€€
Great department store--all brands you read and see on fashion magazine! The down side is too many crazy Chinese! Rude, loud and keep cutting into lines. Shame!
Go 2the information booth &get 10% off visitor's discount card!BE careful of the fucking gypsies that try 2pick pocket u in the metro there!A group will crowd u while 1 opens ur purse! SCREAM @ them