"For two years the Goldberg children were hid in cellars, storerooms, & even the dog’s kennel at a Soviet neighbor's house. But when the war ends, will their rescuers have to flee? http://bit.ly/jTtyYc"
"A fisherman and his wife rescue six Jews during the Holocaust. But when the household is arrested, will anyone surive the harsh conditions of Nazi concentration camps? Find out: http://bit.ly/UlDH6p"
"Three young Jewish boys are hidden beneath a funeral palor's floor. But when a troop of retreating German soliders fall through the boards, can they possibly escape? http://bit.ly/12HyIif"
"Mykolas Šimelis hid and fed 14 Jews during the Holocaust. But after much personal tragedy & the end of the war, would he survive the fury of his country's partisans? Find out: http://bit.ly/UYxefc"
"Two families fortify their homes, determined to save a young Jewish boy and his family. Little did they know that little boy would one day became Chief Justice of Israel: http://bit.ly/104Yuy0"