If I would have one word to describe this it would be beautiful. Perfect and attentive service, really quality sushi and amazing desert. All in an very chic design its a must if you enjoy fine dining
Don't let the sommelier recommend a wine! €189 (one of the 3 most expensive on the wine list) without ever showing us the wine list or informing us about the price. Boo!
Rozhodne podnik v me TOP 5. Krasny, utulny prostor, profesionalni premila obsluha a naprosto epicke jidlo. Doporucuji krevety s wasabi kremem, hotovy orgasmus.
Jedna z najlepších reštaurácií tohto typu v Bratislave. Úplne iná úroveň jedla aj prostredia. Krevety vo wasabi omáčke sú perfektné. Len tie ceny sú dosť vysoko.