Audi Enthusiast's Must-Do's in Ingolstadt
Audi Forum is one of Audi Enthusiast's Must-Do's in Ingolstadt.

1. Audi Forum

Ettinger Str. 62 (Waldeysenstr.), Ingolstadt, Bayern
Car Dealership · 18 tips and reviews

FOURTITUDE.COM, The Audi Enthusiast WebsiteFOURTITUDE.COM, The Audi Enthusiast Website: The Audi Forum is comprised of several must-see sites, all situated around a grand piazza. Keep your eyes open here as you never know what may be here for a photo shoot or just delivered.

Audi museum mobile is one of Audi Enthusiast's Must-Do's in Ingolstadt.

2. Audi museum mobile

Ettinger Str. 64, Ingolstadt, Bayern
Museum · 18 tips and reviews

FOURTITUDE.COM, The Audi Enthusiast WebsiteFOURTITUDE.COM, The Audi Enthusiast Website: At the entrance to the Audi Forum, you'll find Auto Union Silver Arrows, concept cars on the paternoster, rally cars and more on display. Make sure to check out the rotating exhibit on the 1st floor.

3. Restaurant AVUS

Auto-Union-Str. 1, Ingolstadt, Bayern
Restaurant · 5 tips and reviews

FOURTITUDE.COM, The Audi Enthusiast WebsiteFOURTITUDE.COM, The Audi Enthusiast Website: For a nice meal in the Audi Forum, check out the Avus. For a more casual meal check out the food sold on the ground floor by the bar or the employee cafe across the piazza.

A50 Building, Audi Forum Ingolstadt is one of Audi Enthusiast's Must-Do's in Ingolstadt.

4. A50 Building, Audi Forum Ingolstadt

Ingolstadt, Bayern
Structure · 2 tips and reviews

FOURTITUDE.COM, The Audi Enthusiast WebsiteFOURTITUDE.COM, The Audi Enthusiast Website: An executive office building, you likely won't get access to more than the lobby. No matter. Focus on the cars parked just outside. Driven by Audi board members, there's almost always something cool.

Audi Sportpark is one of Audi Enthusiast's Must-Do's in Ingolstadt.

5. Audi Sportpark

Am Sportpark 1 (Scheelestr.), Ingolstadt, Bayern
Soccer Stadium · 7 tips and reviews

FOURTITUDE.COM, The Audi Enthusiast WebsiteFOURTITUDE.COM, The Audi Enthusiast Website: Home of FC Ingolstadt, football (soccer) fans and Audi enthusiasts can pick up cool swag or four-ring jerseys from the FC Ingolstadt team store or catch the home team play a game.

MTM - Motoren Technik Mayer GmbH is one of Audi Enthusiast's Must-Do's in Ingolstadt.

6. MTM - Motoren Technik Mayer GmbH

Dr.-Kurt-Schumacher-Ring 50, Bayern
Automotive Repair Shop · 1 tip

FOURTITUDE.COM, The Audi Enthusiast WebsiteFOURTITUDE.COM, The Audi Enthusiast Website: One of the best-known European Audi tuners, MTM's headquarters is just a short drive from the Audi Forum. Check out cool hardware parked outside or sweet talk your way in to see what lurks inside.

TT Skulptur is one of Audi Enthusiast's Must-Do's in Ingolstadt.

7. TT Skulptur

Audi Ring, Ingolstadt, Bayern
Art Gallery · 3 tips and reviews

FOURTITUDE.COM, The Audi Enthusiast WebsiteFOURTITUDE.COM, The Audi Enthusiast Website: Set in the middle of the Audi Ring, near the Audi Factory, is the giant aluminum Mk2 TT Sculpture used at the TT's launch. Park at the mall nearby and, if you're brave, cross traffic to get up close.

Stella d'Oro is one of Audi Enthusiast's Must-Do's in Ingolstadt.

8. Stella d'Oro

Griesbadgasse 2, Ingolstadt, Bayern
Italian Restaurant · 5 tips and reviews

FOURTITUDE.COM, The Audi Enthusiast WebsiteFOURTITUDE.COM, The Audi Enthusiast Website: We'll admit we haven't eaten here yet but this Italian restaurant comes highly recommended by Audi Factory R18 driver and Le Mans champ Andre Lotterer.