My favourite cinema in Riga,comfortable seats,nice to watch movies.Tasty popcorn. Also wonderful view to Riga from stylish bar Vertigo,where you can have snacks and cocktails.
Good multiplex with the latest Hollywood movies. Most viewings are in original language (not dubbed) and therefore also appropriate for those not speaking Latvian.
Friends birthday? X-mas? Leave no friend without a present - send a ticket to cinema straight from your phone in few clicks! Get the GIFTY app for Android now (iOS soon)! Read more
Вкусная сахарная вата )) фильмов большой выбор, идут в основном на английском, (снятые в России - на русском). Большое количество залов, парковкаправда очень не удобная, узкая, можно царапнуть машину