Budapest city guide

1. V. kerület (Belváros-Lipótváros)

Budapest, Budapest
Neighborhood · 3 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: The district V neighborhood is divided in two parts.To the north is Leopold Town, which host government and financial areas.To the south is Town center and you will find shopping dinning and nightlife

2. Parliament Building

Kossuth Lajos tér 1-3., Budapest, Budapest
Capitol Building · Kossuth Lajos tér · 325 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: Top notch building in Hungary, a neo-gothic palace with neo-Renaissance dome. Built for the 1000 yr anniversary of the Hungarians in 1896 (but finished in 1902). Best views at sunset across the Danube

Kossuth Lajos Square is one of Budapest city guide.

3. Kossuth Lajos Square

(Kossuth Lajos tér)
Kossuth Lajos tér, Budapest, Budapest
Plaza · Kossuth Lajos tér · 24 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: The "eternal" flame to remember the victims of communism was here, but president Fidesz took it away.

Falk Miksa utca is one of Budapest city guide.

4. Falk Miksa utca

Falk Miksa u., Budapest, Budapest
Road · Lipótváros · 2 tips and reviews

5. Museum of Ethnography

(Néprajzi Múzeum)
Kossuth Lajos tér 12., Budapest, Budapest
Art Museum · Lipótváros · 25 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: Originally the house of the Supreme Court, it's design was a runner up for the parliament proposals. Now it's home for this nice museum with the history of Hungary. Worth if you have time.

6. Ministry of Agriculture

Kossuth tér 11., Budapest, Budapest
Government Building · Lipótváros · 2 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: At the right end of the protruding arcade, you can still see the evidence of how the communist government massacred the uprising protesters in 1956

In Memoriam - 1956 is one of Budapest city guide.

7. In Memoriam - 1956

(1956-os emlékhely)
Kossuth tér
History Museum · Kossuth Lajos tér · 2 tips and reviews
József Attila szobor is one of Budapest city guide.

8. József Attila szobor

Budapest, Budapest
Outdoor Sculpture · Kossuth Lajos tér · 5 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: This is the statue of Hungary biggest poet, József!

9. Nagy Imre szobor

Vértanúk tere, Budapest, Budapest
Outdoor Sculpture · Lipótváros · 2 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: Imre Nagy was killed in 1956, it may be considered that his ideas survived as after his death the softer "goulash" communism emerged.

10. Szabadság tér

Szabadság tér, Budapest, Budapest
Park · Lipótváros · 45 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: Somehow this square is a metaphor of a rough 20 century. In the middle an obelisk remembering the Russians who liberated them from Nazis, but also Ronald Reagan who helped end the Soviet domination

Magyar Szecesszió Háza is one of Budapest city guide.

11. Magyar Szecesszió Háza

Honved utca 3., Budapest, Budapest
Art Museum · Lipótváros · 6 tips and reviews

12. Belvárosi Piac (volt Hold utcai piac)

Hold u. 13., Budapest, Budapest
Market · Lipótváros · 24 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: Smaller and less touristy than Great Market Hall, this is a great stop by to eat if you are in the area.

St. Stephen's Basilica is one of Budapest city guide.

13. St. Stephen's Basilica

(Szent István Bazilika)
Szent István tér 1. (Hercegprímás u.), Budapest, Budapest
Church · Lipótváros · 242 tips and reviews

14. St. Stephen's Basilica Rooftop

(Szent István Bazilika tetőtéri)
Szent István tér 1., Budapest, Budapest
Scenic Lookout · Lipótváros · 26 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: As almost everything, it was built for the 1000 anniversary of Hungary.

15. Szent István tér

Szent István tér, Budapest, Budapest
Plaza · Lipótváros · 16 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: The cutting edge parking is amazing! Wow!

Zrínyi utca is one of Budapest city guide.

16. Zrínyi utca

Zrínyi utca, Budapest, Budapest
Road · Lipótváros · 2 tips and reviews

17. Four Seasons Hotel Gresham Palace Budapest

Széchenyi István tér 5-6, Budapest
Hotel · Lipótváros · 63 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: The whole palace has been restored to its former glory in the late 90s. It's really worth visiting, even if you don't sleep there.

Széchenyi István tér is one of Budapest city guide.

18. Széchenyi István tér

Széchenyi István tér, Budapest, Budapest
Park · Lipótváros · 14 tips and reviews

19. Chain Bridge

(Széchenyi lánchíd)
Lánchíd, Budapest, Budapest
Bridge · Várnegyed · 144 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: Built in the 1840s, then destroyed by the nazis 100 years later. It's a symbol of the twin cities union.

20. Vörösmarty tér

Vörösmarty tér, Budapest, Budapest
Plaza · Lipótváros · 66 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: This is the central square of Pest's Town Center. From here you can visit great places. If you only go through Váci Utca, you will miss great spots around the promenade and Károlyi Mihály Utca.

21. Café Gerbeaud

Vörösmarty tér 7-8., Budapest, Budapest
Café · Lipótváros · 365 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: Back in the days, used to be the favorite sport of well-to-do ladies. Now is full of tourist, it's overpriced but the old decor is nice.

22. Vörösmarty tér (M1)

Vörösmarty tér, Budapest, Budapest
Metro Station · Váci utca · 3 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: The M1 was the first metro line in continental Europe. It was inaugurated in, of course, 1896.

23. Váci utca

Váci u., Budapest, Budapest
Pedestrian Plaza · Váci utca · 124 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: The first western shops behind the iron curtain including McDonald's opened here in the 80s.

24. Duna korzó

Erzsébet híd - Lánchíd, Budapest, Budapest
Scenic Lookout · Belváros · 11 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: Great views of Buda ! The promenade connects the parliament with the great market hall.

25. Pesti Vigadó

Vigadó tér 2., Budapest, Budapest
Cultural Center · Belváros · 10 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: Originally build in the 1800s, then almost destroyed during the Austrian invasion and re built in 1864. This is a great ball room. Check their website for concerts.

26. Legenda

Dock 7 (Vigadó tér), Budapest, Budapest
Boat or Ferry · Belváros · 33 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: If you go in person and say you are a "Rick Steves" reader, they will give you a discount. I got this tip from reading a Budapest book by him.

27. Március 15. tér

Március 15. tér, Budapest
Plaza · Belváros · 13 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: Under glass are the rests of the third century Roman fortress "Contra-Aquincum". The Romans considered the Danube the limit of civilization and this fortress protected them against the barbarians.

28. Petőfi tér

Petőfi Tér, Budapest, Budapest
Park · Belváros · 3 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: Sándor Petőfi read a poem against the Hamburgs in the "Március 15 ter" and that same day, March 15 1848 a small revolution lead by a group called Pest Youth began.

29. Orthodox Church

(Nagyboldogasszony Magyar Ortodox Templom)
Budapest, Budapest
Church · Belváros · 1 tip

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: Check the mismatch steeples.

30. Jégbüfé

Ferenciek tere 10. (Petőfi Sándor u.), Budapest, Budapest
Dessert Shop · Belváros · 48 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: A communist legacy, opened in 1952 and serves cheap, traditional recipe cakes and coffee. Everything is to go.

Buddha-Bar Hotel Budapest Klotild Palace is one of Budapest city guide.

31. Buddha-Bar Hotel Budapest Klotild Palace

Váci u. 34. (Szabad sajtó út), Budapest, Budapest
Hotel · Belváros · 27 tips and reviews
Centrál Kávéház is one of Budapest city guide.

32. Centrál Kávéház

Károlyi Mihály u. 9., Budapest, Budapest
Café · Belváros · 154 tips and reviews

33. Károlyi-kert

Ferenczy István u. (Magyar u.), Budapest, Budapest
Park · Belváros · 30 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: Don't miss the tulips in spring!

34. Egyetem tér

Egyetem tér, Budapest, Budapest
Plaza · Belváros · 16 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: Close to the university means is full of eateries, pubs and live music.

35. Serbian Orthodox Church

(Szerb Templom)
Szerb u. 4 (Veres Pálné u.), Budapest, Budapest
Church · Belváros · 2 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: If you find it open, it's because you are lucky. So step inside and enjoy a journey into time and space, more or less to the 17th century in Eastern Europe,

36. Central Market

Vámház krt. 1. (Fővám tér), Budapest, Budapest
Farmers Market · Központi Vásárcsarnok · 380 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: At the end of the first block of stalls, don't miss where they sell Túró Rudi, a semi-sweet cottage cheese covered in chocolate (red-and-white polka-dot wrapper).

Ráday utca is one of Budapest city guide.

37. Ráday utca

Ráday u., Budapest, Budapest
Road · Budapest IX. kerülete · 7 tips and reviews
Costes Restaurant is one of Budapest city guide.

38. Costes Restaurant

Ráday u. 4., Budapest, Budapest
Modern European Restaurant · Budapest IX. kerülete · 42 tips and reviews

39. Deák Ferenc tér

Deák Ferenc tér, Budapest, Budapest
Plaza · Belváros · 92 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: From here you can start a walking tour through Andrássy Út, where you will find the Pest Broadway, museums, a beautiful boulevard and fine shops.

40. Erzsébet tér

Erzsébet tér, Budapest, Budapest
Park · 70 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: Don't miss the kürtőskalács (Hungarian pastry) at the far end of the plaza, following the Bubi rentals.

41. Akvárium klub

Erzsébet tér, Budapest, Budapest
Concert Hall · Erzsébet tér · 93 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: A glass roof underneath a pool, this a cool club where all the best DJs play in Hungary.

MINIVERSUM is one of Budapest city guide.


Andrássy út 12. (Dobó u.), Budapest, Budapest
Amusement Park · Andrássy út · 30 tips and reviews

43. Callas

Andrássy út 20, Budapest, Budapest
Café · Andrássy út · 55 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: One of the finest Art Nouveau interiors, but outdoor seating facing the Opera is also great.

Dreschler Palota is one of Budapest city guide.

44. Dreschler Palota

Budapest, Budapest
Plaza · Budapest VI. kerülete · No tips or reviews

45. Hungarian State Opera House

(Magyar Állami Operaház)
Andrássy út 22. (Hajós u.), Budapest, Budapest
Opera House · Budapest VI. kerülete · 108 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: Tour in English usually run at 15:00 and 16:00. If your are attending to a performance, you may skip the tour as the greatest thing is the interiors.

46. Újszínház

Paulay Ede u. 35. (Székely Mihály u.), Budapest, Budapest
Theater · Budapest VI. kerülete · 9 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: Ready for a play in Hungarian?

47. Shoes on the Danube Bank

(Cipők a Duna-parton)
id. Antal József rakpart (Zoltán u.), Budapest, Budapest
Outdoor Sculpture · Lipótváros · 61 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: Exactly there are 50 pairs of bronze shoes.

48. Művész Kávéház

Andrássy út 29. (Hajós u.), Budapest, Budapest
Café · Budapest VI. kerülete · 63 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: Locally famous actors and musicians hang out here after rehearsals.

49. Alexandra Könyváruház

Andrássy út 39., Budapest, Budapest
Bookstore · Budapest VI. kerülete · 24 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: The gilded cafe is marvelous, but combined with excellent pricing makes this cafe a great place to stop by.

Franz Liszt square is one of Budapest city guide.

50. Franz Liszt square

(Liszt Ferenc tér)
Liszt Ferenc tér, Budapest, Budapest
Plaza · Budapest VI. kerülete · 14 tips and reviews
Menza étterem és kávézó is one of Budapest city guide.

51. Menza étterem és kávézó

Liszt Ferenc tér 2. (Paulay Ede u.), Budapest, Budapest
Hungarian Restaurant · Budapest VI. kerülete · 864 tips and reviews
Kodály körönd is one of Budapest city guide.

52. Kodály körönd

Kodály körönd, Budapest, Budapest
Plaza · Andrássy út · 4 tips and reviews

53. Budapesti Bábszínház

Andrássy út 69. (Izabella u.), Budapest, Budapest
Theater · Budapest VI. kerülete · 14 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: Mostly everything in Hungarian, there are shows for kids and shows for adults. The shows for adults usually are opera recreations.

54. Franz Liszt Academy of Music

(Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Egyetem)
Wesselényi u. 52., Budapest, Budapest
College and University · Budapest VII. kerülete · 2 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: Although the opera house is not expensive, concerts here are really cheap. Interior has been restore and it's amazing.

55. House of Terror Museum

(Terror Háza)
Andrássy út 60. (Csengery u.), Budapest, Budapest
History Museum · Andrássy út · 182 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: Key to understanding 20 century Hungarian history, the museum show how little difference there is between fascist and communist regimes. Must see.

New York Café is one of Budapest city guide.

56. New York Café

Erzsébet krt. 11. (Dohány u.), Budapest, Budapest
Café · Budapest VII. kerülete · 898 tips and reviews
Heroes' Square is one of Budapest city guide.

57. Heroes' Square

(Hősök tere)
Hősök tere (Dózsa György út), Budapest, Budapest
Plaza · Városliget · 247 tips and reviews

58. Műcsarnok

Dózsa György út 37. (Hősök tere), Budapest, Budapest
Art Museum · Városliget · 21 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: The best of both contemporary Hungarian and international fine art in Budapest is find here. Check website for current exhibitions.

Museum of Fine Arts is one of Budapest city guide.

59. Museum of Fine Arts

(Szépművészeti Múzeum)
Dózsa György út 41. (Hősök tere), Budapest, Budapest
Art Museum · Városliget · 69 tips and reviews
City Park is one of Budapest city guide.

60. City Park

Városliget, Budapest, Budapest
Park · Városliget · 74 tips and reviews
Vajdahunyad Castle is one of Budapest city guide.

61. Vajdahunyad Castle

(Vajdahunyad vára)
Városliget, Budapest, Budapest
Castle · Városliget · 77 tips and reviews
Városligeti-tó is one of Budapest city guide.

62. Városligeti-tó

Városliget, Budapest, Budapest
Lake · Városliget · 19 tips and reviews
Anonymus is one of Budapest city guide.

63. Anonymus

Vajdahunyad vára, Budapest, Budapest
Outdoor Sculpture · Városliget · 5 tips and reviews
Magyar Mezőgazdasági Múzeum is one of Budapest city guide.

64. Magyar Mezőgazdasági Múzeum

Városliget, Vajdahunyadvár, Budapest, Budapest
Museum · Városliget · 20 tips and reviews
Széchenyi Thermal Bath is one of Budapest city guide.

65. Széchenyi Thermal Bath

(Széchenyi Gyógyfürdő és Uszoda)
Állatkerti körút 9-11., Budapest, Budapest
Spa · Városliget · 509 tips and reviews
Jewish Quarter is one of Budapest city guide.

66. Jewish Quarter

(Történelmi zsidónegyed)
Budapest, Budapest
Neighborhood · 2 tips and reviews
Dohány Street Synagogue is one of Budapest city guide.

67. Dohány Street Synagogue

(Dohány utcai zsinagóga)
Dohány u. 2. (Wesselényi u.), Budapest, Budapest
Synagogue · Zsidónegyed · 65 tips and reviews

68. Dohány Street Synagogue

(Dohány utcai zsinagóga)
Dohány u. 2. (Wesselényi u.), Budapest, Budapest
Synagogue · Zsidónegyed · 65 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: The 2nd biggest synagogue worldwide, it's construction was commissioned to a Gentile and (vaguely) designed according to the biblical descriptions of Salomon's Temple. Tours are recommended and cheap

Kazinczy Utcai zsinagóga is one of Budapest city guide.

69. Kazinczy Utcai zsinagóga

Kazinczy 29-31., Budapest, Budapest
Synagogue · Zsidónegyed · 5 tips and reviews
Gozsdu Udvar is one of Budapest city guide.

70. Gozsdu Udvar

Király u. 13., Budapest, Budapest
Plaza · Zsidónegyed · 69 tips and reviews
Rumbach utcai zsinagóga is one of Budapest city guide.

71. Rumbach utcai zsinagóga

Rumbach Sebestyén u. 11-13. (Madách Imre út), Budapest, Budapest
Synagogue · Zsidónegyed · 5 tips and reviews
Madách Imre tér is one of Budapest city guide.

72. Madách Imre tér

Madách Imre tér, Budapest, Budapest
Plaza · Zsidónegyed · 7 tips and reviews

73. Buda-Castle Funicular

(Budavári Sikló)
Clark Ádám tér 1., Budapest, Budapest
Cable Car · Budavári Palota · 57 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: Built originally in 1870, destroyed during WW2, and re built in 1986. Today, being touristy and pricey, is a great 90 seconds connection between Chain bridge and the top of Castle Hill.

Buda Castle is one of Budapest city guide.

74. Buda Castle

(Budavári Palota)
Budai Vár, Budapest, Budapest
Castle · Budavári Palota · 231 tips and reviews

75. Budapest History Museum

(Budapesti Történeti Múzeum)
Szt. György tér 2. (Budavári Palota "E" épület), Budapest
History Museum · Budavári Palota · 16 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: If you are interested in knowing more about the history of Budapest, it's Asian origins, the different occupation like ottomans and soviets, the 1000th anniversary, etc, THIS IS YOUR PLACE,

76. Hospital in the Rock

(Sziklakórház és Atombunker)
Lovas út 4/c., Budapest, Budapest
History Museum · Várnegyed · 59 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: Tour is 1 hour and you will visit a crazy hospital used during WW2 and then converted into a soviet nuclear bunker. Tours start on the hour.

Panoptikum is one of Budapest city guide.

77. Panoptikum

Uri utca 9., Budapest, Budapest
Historic and Protected Site · Várnegyed · 27 tips and reviews

78. Gellért Hill

Gellért tér, Budapest, Budapest
Mountain · Budapest XI. kerülete · 120 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: Named after bishop Gellért, a venetian monk, who was brought by King István to educate his son. Locals were not all so happy with recent conversion, to Christianity, and through the monk down the hill

Gellért Hill Cave is one of Budapest city guide.

79. Gellért Hill Cave

(Magyarok Nagyasszonya sziklatemplom)
Szent Gellért rakpart 1, Budapest, Budapest
Church · Budapest XI. kerülete · 15 tips and reviews
Szent Gellért Gyógyfürdő és Uszoda is one of Budapest city guide.

80. Szent Gellért Gyógyfürdő és Uszoda

Kelenhegyi út 4., Budapest, Budapest
Spa · Budapest XI. kerülete · 154 tips and reviews
Rudas Gyógyfürdő és Uszoda is one of Budapest city guide.

81. Rudas Gyógyfürdő és Uszoda

Döbrentei tér 9. (Szent Gellért rkp.), Budapest, Budapest
Spa · Gellért-hegy · 105 tips and reviews
Budai vigadó is one of Budapest city guide.

82. Budai vigadó

Corvin tér 8., Budapest, Budapest
Indie Theater · Várnegyed · No tips or reviews
Batthyány tér is one of Budapest city guide.

83. Batthyány tér

Batthyány tér, Budapest, Budapest
Plaza · Batthyány tér · 25 tips and reviews
Millenáris park is one of Budapest city guide.

84. Millenáris park

Kis Rókus u. 16–20. (Lövőház u.), Budapest, Budapest
Park · Budapest II. kerülete · 38 tips and reviews
Memento Park Budapest is one of Budapest city guide.

85. Memento Park Budapest

Balatoni út (Szabadkai utca), Budapest, Budapest
Sculpture Garden · Budapest XXII. kerülete · 35 tips and reviews
Hadik Kávéház is one of Budapest city guide.

86. Hadik Kávéház

Bartók Béla út 36. (Bercsényi u.), Budapest, Budapest
Café · Lágymányos · 58 tips and reviews
Déryné Bisztró is one of Budapest city guide.

87. Déryné Bisztró

Krisztina tér 3. (Roham u.), Budapest, Budapest
Bistro · Krisztinaváros · 236 tips and reviews
Kéhli Vendéglő is one of Budapest city guide.

88. Kéhli Vendéglő

Mókus u. 22., Budapest, Budapest
Hungarian Restaurant · Óbuda · 56 tips and reviews
Printa Café is one of Budapest city guide.

89. Printa Café

Rumbach Sebestyén u. 10., Budapest, Budapest
Art Gallery · Zsidónegyed · 64 tips and reviews
Gerlóczy Kávéház is one of Budapest city guide.

90. Gerlóczy Kávéház

Gerlóczy u. 1. (Kamermayer Károly tér), Budapest, Budapest
Café · Belváros · 147 tips and reviews
Trattoria Toscana is one of Budapest city guide.

91. Trattoria Toscana

Belgrád rkp. 13-15. (Sörház u.), Budapest, Budapest
Italian Restaurant · Belváros · 85 tips and reviews
Café Kör is one of Budapest city guide.

92. Café Kör

Sas u. 17., Budapest
Gastropub · Lipótváros · 90 tips and reviews
MÁK restaurant is one of Budapest city guide.

93. MÁK restaurant

Vigyázó Ferenc u. 4. (Akadémia utca, Nador utca), Budapest, Budapest
Hungarian Restaurant · Lipótváros · 150 tips and reviews
Első Pesti Rétesház - Strudel House is one of Budapest city guide.

94. Első Pesti Rétesház - Strudel House

Október 6. u. 22. (Arany János u.), Budapest, Budapest
Bakery · Lipótváros · 96 tips and reviews
Slow Foodiez is one of Budapest city guide.

95. Slow Foodiez

Szondi utca 11, Budapest, Budapest
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant · Budapest VI. kerülete · 32 tips and reviews
Butter Brothers is one of Budapest city guide.

96. Butter Brothers

Lónyay u. 22. (Mátyás u.), Budapest, Budapest
Bakery · Budapest IX. kerülete · 169 tips and reviews
Madal Cafe - Espresso & Brew Bar is one of Budapest city guide.

97. Madal Cafe - Espresso & Brew Bar

Hollán Ernő u. 3., Budapest, Budapest
Coffee Shop · Budapest XIII. kerülete · 164 tips and reviews
Padron is one of Budapest city guide.

98. Padron

Horánszky u. 10. (Bródy Sándor u.), Budapest, Budapest
Tapas Restaurant · Budapest VII. kerülete · 78 tips and reviews
Vegan Love is one of Budapest city guide.

99. Vegan Love

Bartók Béla út 9., Budapest, Budapest
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant · Budapest XI. kerülete · 56 tips and reviews
Rizmajer Kézműves Sörház is one of Budapest city guide.

100. Rizmajer Kézműves Sörház

Táncsics Mihály u. 110., Budapest, Budapest
Beer Garden · Budapest XXI. kerülete · 28 tips and reviews
Hummusbar is one of Budapest city guide.

101. Hummusbar

Október 6. u. 19. (Arany János u.), Budapest, Budapest
Falafel Restaurant · Lipótváros · 178 tips and reviews
Műhely Egyetem Cafe is one of Budapest city guide.

102. Műhely Egyetem Cafe

Múzeum krt. 6-8., Budapest, Budapest
Coffee Shop · Budapest VII. kerülete · 12 tips and reviews
Kino Café is one of Budapest city guide.

103. Kino Café

Szent István krt. 16. (Vígszínház u.), Budapest, Budapest
Café · Budapest XIII. kerülete · 195 tips and reviews
Nemsüti Vega Ételbár is one of Budapest city guide.

104. Nemsüti Vega Ételbár

Jászai Mari tér 4/b, Budapest, Budapest
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant · Budapest XIII. kerülete · 20 tips and reviews
Ecocafe is one of Budapest city guide.

105. Ecocafe

Andrássy út 68. (Izabella u.), Budapest, Budapest
Coffee Shop · Andrássy út · 191 tips and reviews
Bangla Büfé Premium is one of Budapest city guide.

106. Bangla Büfé Premium

Dob u. 62., Budapest, Budapest
Indian Restaurant · Zsidónegyed · 71 tips and reviews
Tisza István emlékmű is one of Budapest city guide.

107. Tisza István emlékmű

Budapest, Budapest
Outdoor Sculpture · Kossuth Lajos tér · 2 tips and reviews
Magyar Államkincstár is one of Budapest city guide.

108. Magyar Államkincstár

Vadász utca 16., Budapest, Budapest
Government Building · Lipótváros · 1 tip

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: This marvelous Art Nouveau building used to be the post office

Espresso Embassy is one of Budapest city guide.

109. Espresso Embassy

Arany János u. 15., Budapest, Budapest
Coffee Shop · Lipótváros · 425 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: Amazing coffee beans mixed with a cool place and great staff. I asked for a Kenyan double espresso. It was amazingly done, flavor was creamy, fruity and extremely strong. Love it.

Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út (M1) is one of Budapest city guide.

110. Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út (M1)

Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út (Andrássy út), Budapest, Budapest
Metro Station · Andrássy út · 2 tips and reviews
Nagymező utca is one of Budapest city guide.

111. Nagymező utca

Nagymező utca, Budapest, Budapest
Road · Budapest VI. kerülete · 5 tips and reviews

112. Irgalmasok Veli Bej fürdője

Árpád fejedelem útja 7., Budapest, Budapest
Spa · Felhévíz · 43 tips and reviews

Szabi N.Szabi Nagy: A tiny little pearl, recommended for those who prefer to avoid cowded/touristic places. Has an authentic Turkish bath with 5 different pools, sauna, infrasauna, jacuzzi.

Király Gyógyfürdő is one of Budapest city guide.

113. Király Gyógyfürdő

Fő u. 84. (Kacsa u.), Budapest, Budapest
Spa · Víziváros · 42 tips and reviews
Hungária Fürdő is one of Budapest city guide.

114. Hungária Fürdő

Dohány utca 42.-44. (Nyár utca), Budapest, Budapest
Swimming Pool · Zsidónegyed · No tips or reviews
Matthias Church is one of Budapest city guide.

115. Matthias Church

Szentháromság tér 2, Budapest, Budapest
Church · Halászbástya · 65 tips and reviews
ELTE Egyetemi Könyvtár és Levéltár / ELTE University Library and Archives is one of Budapest city guide.

116. ELTE Egyetemi Könyvtár és Levéltár / ELTE University Library and Archives

Ferenciek tere 6., Budapest, Budapest
College Library · Belváros · 3 tips and reviews

117. McDonald's

Régiposta u. 10, Budapest, Budapest
Fast Food Restaurant · Belváros · 49 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: This place is a symbol of the triumph of Liberty over communism. This was the first McDonald’s inside the iron curtain! It opened in the late 80s.

118. Inner City Parish Church

(Nagyboldogasszony Főplébánia)
Március 15. tér, Budapest, Budapest
Church · Belváros · 4 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: Oldest building in town, it has survived playing different roles as Romanesque basilica, Gothic hall church and even Ottoman mosque.

119. Ferenciek tere

Ferenciek tere, Budapest, Budapest
Plaza · Belváros · 25 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: Check the facades dating from the late 19 century. Them may seem full of soot, but they are untouched.

Alkantarai Szent Péter ferences templom is one of Budapest city guide.

120. Alkantarai Szent Péter ferences templom

Ferenciek tere 9, Budapest, Budapest
Church · Belváros · 1 tip

121. Paris Court

(Párizsi Udvar)
Haris köz 5 (Petőfi Sándor u.), Budapest, Budapest
Historic and Protected Site · Belváros · 7 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: Entrance at Kossuth Lajos út 11. Amazing Parisian courtyard full of lovely details.

Ybl Palota is one of Budapest city guide.

122. Ybl Palota

Károlyi Mihály u. 12., Budapest, Budapest
Office · Belváros · 3 tips and reviews
Ybl Palota is one of Budapest city guide.

123. Ybl Palota

Károlyi Mihály u. 12., Budapest, Budapest
Office · Belváros · 3 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: Entering to the renovate courtyard is free